1 SET Enables the item specified by the option word. Format SET option 2 AUTO_ERASE Enables automatic erasing of placeholders in the indicated buffer. Format SET AUTO_ERASE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer for which automatic erasing is to be enabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 CMS Sets the default values for reservations and fetches that LSE performs when you issue the appropriate LSE file-manipulation commands. Format SET CMS 3 Qualifiers /CONCURRENT /CONCURRENT /NOCONCURRENT Controls whether an element reserved by you can be reserved by another user while you have it reserved. The initial setting is /CONCURRENT. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Specifies whether you want to be prompted for confirmation before LSE performs a FETCH or RESERVE operation. The initial setting is /CONFIRM. /GENERATION /GENERATION=generation-exp Specifies the generation to be used for CMS RESERVE and FETCH operations. The initial setting is /GENERATION="1+". /HISTORY /HISTORY /NOHISTORY Controls whether CMS includes the element history in the file if the element has the history attribute and if a CMS FETCH or CMS RESERVE operation is performed. The initial setting is /HISTORY. /MERGE /MERGE=generation-exp /NOMERGE Controls whether LSE merges a reserved or fetched element with another generation of the same element. The initial setting is /NOMERGE. /NOTES /NOTES /NONOTES Controls whether notes are embedded in the file if the retrieved element has the notes attribute and if a CMS FETCH or CMS RESERVE operation is performed. The initial setting is /NOTES. /REMARK /REMARK=string /NOREMARK Specifies the remark to be used on RESERVE operations. The initial setting is to prompt for the remark. If you specify the /NOREMARK qualifier, LSE prompts you for a remark when you issue a CMS file- manipulation command. 2 COMMAND_LANGUAGE Sets the command language to PORTABLE or VMSLSE. Format SET COMMAND LANGUAGE keyword 2 CURSOR Selects either bound cursor motion or free cursor motion. Format SET CURSOR motion-setting 3 Parameter motion-setting Specifies the cursor-motion setting. Motion-setting keywords and their effects are as follows: BOUND Restricts the cursor to positioning on a character, end-of-line, or end-of-buffer. This is the initial setting and is similar to cursor motion in the EDT editor. FREE Lets the cursor move anywhere in a window including past the end- of-line, past the end-of-buffer, in the middle of a tab, or to the left of the left margin. This is similar to the default cursor motion for the EVE editor. 2 DEFAULT_DIRECTORY Changes your default device and directory specifications. Format SET DEFAULT_DIRECTORY [device-name[:][directory-spec] 3 Parameters device-name[:] Specifies a device name to be used as the default device in a file specification. directory-spec Specifies a directory name to be used as the default directory in a file specification. A directory name must be enclosed in brackets. Use the minus sign to specify the next higher directory from the current default directory. You must specify either the device-name parameter or the directory-spec parameter. If you specify only the device name, the current directory is the default for the directory-spec parameter. If you specify only the directory name, the current device is the default for the device-name parameter. You can use a logical name, but it must constitute at least the device part of the specification. 2 DIRECTORY Sets the default read-only/writeable status of files in a specified directory. Format SET DIRECTORY directory-spec 3 Qualifiers /READ_ONLY Specifies that files in the indicated directories are read-only and unmodifiable by default. The /READ_ONLY qualifier prevents the WRITE command from writing files to the indicated directory unless you subsequently override this default. /WRITE /WRITE (D) Specifies that files in the indicated directories are writeable and unmodifiable by default. 3 Parameter directory-spec Specifies a directory to be set as read-only or writeable. 2 FONT Sets the specified fonts for the screen. Format SET FONT keyword-list 3 Parameter keyword-list Indicates the fonts to be set or reset. You can specify either big or little and either normal or condensed. BIG Specifies that the fonts should be big. CONDENSED Specifies that the fonts should be condensed. LITTLE Specifies that the fonts should be little. NORMAL Specifies that the fonts should be normal. 2 FORWARD Sets the current direction of a buffer to forward. Format SET FORWARD 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose direction is to be set to forward. The default is the current buffer. 2 INDENTATION Sets the current indentation level count for the current buffer, without changing the current line. Format SET INDENTATION level-option 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose current indentation level count is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter level-option Indicates the level to be set or changed. The indentation keywords and their effects are as follows: CURRENT Sets the indentation level count to the beginning of the text on the current line. CURSOR Sets the indentation level count to the column currently occupied by the cursor. LEFT Decreases the indentation level count by the current tab increment. RIGHT Increases the indentation level count by the current tab increment. 2 INSERT Sets the text-entry mode of the indicated buffer to insert mode. Format SET INSERT 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose text-entry mode is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 2 JOURNALING Enables buffer-change journaling for the specified buffers. Format SET JOURNALING [buffer-name] 3 Qualifier /ALL Specifies that all of LSE's user buffers that exist when the command is issued should be journaled. If you specify the /ALL qualifier, you cannot specify the buffer-name parameter. 3 Parameter buffer-name Specifies the name of the buffer that should be journaled. If you omit this parameter, the default is the current buffer. 2 LANGUAGE Sets the language associated with the indicated buffer. Format SET LANGUAGE language-name 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose associated language you want to set. The current buffer is the default. 3 Parameter language-name Specifies the name of the language to associate with the buffer. The SET LANGUAGE command requires this parameter. 2 LEFT_MARGIN Sets the left margin for the indicated buffer. Format SET LEFT_MARGIN column-number 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose left margin is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter column-number Specifies the column for the left margin. The value must be greater than or equal to one and less than the value set for the right margin. If you specify the CONTEXT_DEPENDENT value as the column number, then LSE uses the indentation of the current line to determine the left margin when you use the /WRAP qualifier. When you use the FILL command, LSE uses the indentation of the first line of each selected paragraph to determine the left margin. 2 LIBRARY [SCA Command] Identifies the SCA physical libraries to be used for subsequent SCA functions. Format SET LIBRARY directory-spec[, . . . ] 3 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER[=library-spec] Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the list of active SCA libraries after the library you specify as the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the library or libraries to the end of the list. /BEFORE /BEFORE[=library-spec] Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the list of active SCA libraries before the library you specify as the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the library or libraries to the beginning of the list. /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether SCA reports the resulting list of active SCA libraries. 3 Parameter directory-spec[, . . . ] Specifies one or more directories, each of which comprises a separate SCA library. The list of libraries you specify replaces the current list of active libraries unless you specify an /AFTER or /BEFORE qualifier. 2 MARK Associates a marker name with the current cursor position. You can later use that marker name with the GOTO MARK command to return to the specified position. Format SET MARK marker-name 3 Parameter marker-name Specifies the name of the marker to be placed. For a marker name, you may use any combination of up to 21 alphanumeric characters, underscores, or dollar signs. If this marker name is already in use, the previous marker is canceled. 2 MAX_UNDO Sets the maximum number of commands you can undo for a specific buffer. Format SET MAX_UNDO number 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose MAX_UNDO buffer limit is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter number Specify the maximum number of commands you can undo in the "number". qualifier. If you omit a value in the"number" qualifier, LSE displays a default maximum Undo number of [100]. Press Return to accept the default or specify a different value. 2 MODE Establishes the status of warning bells sounding, keypad emulation, select range, tab appearance, and the use of graphic characters in menus. Format SET MODE keyword-list 3 Parameter keyword-list Indicates the modes to be set or reset. The mode keywords and their effects are as follows: BELL=NONE or ALL or [NO]BROADCAST Specifies which new messages should be accompanied by a warning bell character. By default, only broadcast messages are accompanied by a warning bell. KEYPAD=EDT or EVE Specifies whether the key definitions should be similar to EDT or EVE. Note that EVE key definitions do not use the numeric keypad on VT200 terminals; numeric keypads on VT200-series terminals emulate EDT key definitions regardless of the keypad mode you choose. MENU=[NO]GRAPHICS Lets you choose between graphic characters and nongraphic characters in the display of a menu. The initial setting is MENU=GRAPHICS. If the terminal characteristics do not include DEC_CRT, then LSE uses nongraphic characters regardless of the setting of this mode. Graphic characters currently require more screen repainting than do nongraphic characters, so you may want to use SET MODE MENU=NOGRAPHICS if you are working at a low baud rate. [NO]PENDING_DELETE Specifies whether a selection in a user buffer should be deleted when the user inserts text. The initial setting is NOPENDING_ DELETE. PENDING_DELETE is disabled for a selection made with SELECT ALL. You can use the UNERASE SELECTION command to restore deleted text. TABS=[NO]VISIBLE Specifies whether tabs should appear as blanks, or a combination of the HT (horizontal tab) symbol and dots ("HT......"). TABS=[NO]HARD Specifies whether tab or blank characters are used for tabulation. UNDO=ON or OFF Specifies whether or not UNDO processing is enabled. 2 MODIFY Sets buffer status to modifiable. Format SET MODIFY 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer Indicates the buffer that is to be set modifiable. The current buffer is the default. 2 NOAUTO_ERASE Disables automatic erasing of placeholders in the indicated buffer. Format SET NOAUTO_ERASE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer for which automatic erasing is to be disabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 NOJOURNALING Disables buffer journaling for the specified buffers. Format SET NOJOURNALING [buffer-name] 3 Qualifier /ALL Specifies that all of LSE's buffer-change journal files should be closed and buffer-change journaling halted for those buffers. If you specify the /ALL qualifier, you cannot specify the buffer-name parameter. 3 Parameter buffer-name Specifies the name of the buffer that no longer have an associated buffer-change journal file. If you omit this parameter, the default is the current buffer. 2 NOLANGUAGE Disassociates the language associated with the indicated buffer. Format SET NOLANGUAGE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose associated language you want to disassociate. The current buffer is the default. 2 NOLIBRARY [SCA Command] Removes the specified SCA libraries from the current list of active libraries. Format SET NOLIBRARY [library-spec[, . . . ]] 3 Qualifier /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether LSE reports removal of the libraries from the active list. 3 Parameter library-spec[, . . . ] Specifies the libraries to be removed from the current active libraries list. If you omit this parameter, SCA removes all the active libraries from the list. 2 NOMODIFY Sets a buffer to display-only (unmodifiable). Format SET NOMODIFY 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer that is to be set to display-only. The default is the current buffer. 2 NOOUTPUT_FILE Disassociates the buffer from any output file. Format SET NOOUTPUT_FILE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose output file is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 2 NOOVERVIEW Disables overview operations in the indicated buffer. Format SET NOOVERVIEW 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer in which overview operations are to be disabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 NOSOURCE_DIRECTORY Specifies a directory or directories to be removed from the list of source directories. Format SET NOSOURCE_DIRECTORY [directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . . ] 3 Parameter directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . . Specifies a list of directory specifications to be removed from the list of source directories. If you do not specify any parameter, LSE removes all directories from the list of source directories. 2 NOWRAP Disables wrapping of the current line in the indicated buffer. Format SET NOWRAP 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer for which wrapping is to be disabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 OUTPUT_FILE Establishes the output file associated with the buffer. Format SET OUTPUT_FILE file-spec 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose output file is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter file-spec Indicates the file specification for the output file. 2 OVERSTRIKE Sets the text-entry mode of the indicated buffer to overstrike mode. Format SET OVERSTRIKE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose text-entry mode is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 2 OVERVIEW Enables overview operations in the indicated buffer. Format SET OVERVIEW 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer in which overview operations are to be enabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 READ_ONLY Instructs LSE not to write the indicated buffer to a file when you exit from LSE or when you issue a COMPILE command. Format SET READ_ONLY 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose read_only/write state is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 2 REVERSE Sets the current direction of a buffer to reverse. Format SET REVERSE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose direction is to be set to reverse. The default is the current buffer. 2 RIGHT_MARGIN Sets the right margin for the indicated buffer. Format SET RIGHT_MARGIN column-number 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose right margin is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter column-number Specifies the column for the right margin. The value must be an integer greater than the value set for the left margin. 2 SCREEN Sets specified characteristics of the screen. Format SET SCREEN keyword-list 3 Parameter keyword-list Indicates the screen characteristics to be set. The screen keywords are as follows: BALANCE_WINDOWS (D) Specifies how LSE manages window length. If you specify BALANCE_ WINDOWS, LSE adjusts all the window lengths on the screen to be, as nearly as possible, of equal lengths. This is the default value. If you specify NOBALANCE_WINDOWS, LSE splits the current window in half when it needs a new window, leaving all the other window lengths unchanged. HEIGHT=n Specifies the number of lines on the screen. The height, n, must be an integer in the range 11 through 62. MAXIMUM_WINDOW_NUMBER=n Specifies the maximum number of windows LSE creates when it displays information in a window as a result of issuing one of the following commands: FIND GOTO DECLARATION GOTO SOURCE INSPECT REVIEW LSE uses the MAXIMUM_WINDOW_NUMBER and MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTH settings to determine whether to add a window to the screen or reuse an existing window. LSE checks both settings and creates a new window only if both conditions are met. The default value for MAXIMUM_WINDOW_NUMBER is 3. Specifying a value of 2 produces the two-window behavior previously associated with the commands listed under this keyword. MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTH=n Specifies a lower bound on the windows LSE creates. When you need to map a buffer to a window, LSE creates a new window as long as the window is not shorter than n. LSE uses the MINIMUM_WINDOW_LENGTH and MAXIMUM_WINDOW_NUMBER settings to determine whether to add a window to the screen or reuse an existing window. LSE checks both settings and creates a new window only if both conditions are met. WIDTH=n Specifies the number of characters on each input or output line. The width, n, must be an integer in the range 1 through 252. If you specify a width greater than 80, then LSE sets the terminal to 132-character mode. The initial setting is 80 characters. WINDOW=n Specifies the number of windows to display on the screen. If you change the number of windows from one to two, LSE displays the current buffer in both windows. If you change the number of windows from two to one, LSE displays the current buffer in the single window. The initial setting is one window. 2 SCROLL_MARGINS Delimits the lines at which the cursor triggers scrolling. Format SET SCROLL_MARGINS top-line-count [%] bottom-line-count [%] 3 Parameters top-line-count Specifies the number of lines down from the top of a window at which you want downward scrolling to begin. bottom-line-count Specifies the number of lines up from the bottom of a window at which you want upward scrolling to begin. % Optionally specifies scroll margins as percentages of the window height, rounded to the nearest whole line count. This is useful when you have a workstation with screens of varying sizes. 2 SEARCH Sets text search options. Format SET SEARCH keyword-list 3 Parameter keyword-list Indicates the search mode settings. The keywords are as follows: AUTO_REVERSE NOAUTO_REVERSE Specifies whether or not LSE searches in the current direction only, or searches in the opposite direction if the string is not found in the current direction. The initial setting is NOAUTO_ REVERSE. CASE_SENSITIVE NOCASE_SENSITIVE Specifies whether or not the SEARCH command matches case exactly or is insensitive to character case. The initial setting is NOCASE_SENSITIVE. DIACRITICAL_SENSITIVE NODIACRITICAL_SENSITIVE Specifies whether or not the SEARCH command matches characters with diacritical markings exactly or is insensitive to diacritical markings. The initial setting is DIACRITICAL_SENSITIVE. PATTERN=VMS PATTERN=ULTRIX PATTERN=TPU Specifies either VMS, ULTRIX or TPU style patterns for the SEARCH/PATTERN and SUBSTITUTE/PATTERN commands. The initial setting is VMS. For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP FEATURES PATTERNS. SPAN_SPACE NOSPAN_SPACE Determines whether LSE matches blanks in the search string exactly (NOSPAN_SPACE) or allows each blank to match sequences of one or more characters containing blanks and tabs and, at most, a single line break (SPAN_SPACE). The initial setting is NOSPAN_SPACE. Not applicable to SEARCH/PATTERN and SUBSTITUTE/PATTERN commands. 2 SELECT_MARK Marks a position as one end of a selected range. Format SET SELECT_MARK 2 SOURCE_DIRECTORY Specifies a searchlist of directories to be used to find source files. Format SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . . 3 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER (D) /AFTER[=directory-spec] Specifies that LSE should insert the directory or directories indicated into the list of source directories in back of the directory you specify as the value on the qualifier. If you do not specify a directory-spec value, LSE adds the directory or directories to the end of the list. If you do not specify either the /AFTER qualifier or the /BEFORE qualifier, LSE replaces the entire directory list. /BEFORE /BEFORE /BEFORE[=directory-spec] Specifies that LSE should insert the directory or directories indicated into the list of source directories in front of the directory you specify as the value on the qualifier. If you do not specify a directory-spec value, the directory or directories are added at the front of the list. If you do not specify either the /BEFORE qualifier or the /AFTER qualifier, LSE replaces the entire directory list. 3 Parameter directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . . Specifies one or more directory specifications. You can specify CMS$LIB as one directory specification; however, you may not get the results you expect if you set CMS$LIB as a source directory and do not issue the CMS command SET LIBRARY. 2 TAB_INCREMENT Specifies logical tab stops in the indicated buffer. Format SET TAB_INCREMENT number 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose tab increment is to be changed. The default is the current buffer. 3 Parameter number Specifies the interval for setting tab stops. 2 WRAP Enables wrapping in the indicated buffer. LSE automatically splits the current line at the right-margin setting when you type text past the right margin. Format SET WRAP 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer for which wrapping is to be enabled. The default is the current buffer. 2 WRITE Instructs LSE to write the contents of the indicated buffer to a file when you exit from LSE or issue a COMPILE command. Format SET WRITE 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose read-only/write state is to be changed. The default is the current buffer.