1 RESERVE Reserves an element in your current CMS library. Format RESERVE [element-name] 2 Qualifiers /GENERATION /GENERATION[=generation-exp] Specifies the generation of the element to reserve. If you do not specify a value, LSE assumes you have specified generation "1+" (the generation-exp parameter must be enclosed in quotation marks if nonalphanumeric characters are present). If you omit the qualifier altogether, LSE uses the specified or default value from the command SET CMS/GENERATION to determine the generation to reserve. /MERGE /MERGE=generation-exp /NOMERGE (D) Determines whether LSE merges another generation of the element with the generation being reserved. If you omit this qualifier, LSE uses the setting of the command SET CMS/[NO]MERGE to determine whether to merge generations of the element being reserved. You must enclose generation-exp in quotes (" ") if nonalphanumeric characters are present. 2 Parameter element-name Specifies the elements to reserve. If you do not specify an element name, LSE uses the file name and type of your current buffer as the element name.