1 EXPAND Replaces placeholders, token names, alias names, or routine names at the current cursor position with the appropriate body of text or code, if the cursor is not on an overview line. Replaces an overview line with the underlying source lines, if the cursor is on an overview line. Expands symbols to include their occurrences, if the cursor is in a query buffer. Format EXPAND 2 Qualifiers /DEPTH /DEPTH=n /DEPTH=1 (D) Specifies how many levels of detail are displayed. If you specify the value ALL, all subgroups for this overview line are expanded. If the cursor is not on an overview line or is in a query buffer, the /DEPTH qualifier is ignored. /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER (D) /NOGOTO_PLACEHOLDER Specifies whether or not the cursor should move to the next placeholder after performing the EXPAND operation. The movement to the next placeholder does not take place if it would force the current position to scroll off the screen. If the cursor is on an overview line, the /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER qualifier is ignored. Note that when you use the EXPAND command with SCA, this command does not support the /GOTO_PLACEHOLDER qualifier.