1 DELETE Deletes the effect of the item specified by the option word. Format DELETE option 2 ADJUSTMENT Removes a name from the list of adjustments associated with a language. Format DELETE ADJUSTMENT adjustment-name 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Names the language associated with the adjustment being deleted. By default, LSE deletes the adjustment from the set of adjustments defined for the current language. By using the /LANGUAGE qualifier, you can delete adjustments from other languages as well. 3 Parameter adjustment-name Specifies the name of the adjustment to be deleted. 2 ALIAS Deletes the definition of an alias name. Format DELETE ALIAS alias-name 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Specifies the name of the language in which the alias is defined. The default is the current language. 3 Parameter alias-name Specifies the alias name to be deleted. 2 BUFFER Deletes a buffer. Format DELETE BUFFER [buffer-name] 3 Parameter buffer-name Indicates which buffer is to be deleted. The default is the current buffer. 2 COMMAND Deletes the definition of the indicated user-defined command. Format DELETE COMMAND command-name 3 Parameter command-name Specifies the command to be deleted. 2 KEY Deletes the specified key definition. Format DELETE KEY key-specifier 3 Qualifier /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=GOLD /NOIF_STATE (D) Specifies that the key definition to be deleted is for the GOLD state. The default is to delete the key definition for the default state. 3 Parameter key-specifier Indicates the keyword or single printing character for the key to be deleted. Valid key-specifiers include all keynames recognized by the DEFINE KEY command. 2 KEYWORDS Cancels the indicated keywords list definition. Format DELETE KEYWORDS keyword-list-name 3 Parameter keyword-list-name Specifies the keyword list to be deleted. 2 LANGUAGE Cancels the indicated language definition. Format DELETE LANGUAGE language-name 3 Parameter language-name Specifies the language to be deleted. 2 LIBRARY [SCA Command] Deletes an SCA library from a VMS directory. Format DELETE LIBRARY library-spec[,...] 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D) Indicates whether the delete function will request a confirmation of the deletion of each library. To delete an SCA library, you must respond to the confirmation prompt by typing one or more characters of the word YES. Otherwise, the library is not deleted. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (D) Indicates whether successful deletion of SCA libraries will be reported. 3 Parameter library-spec[,...] Specifies one or more libraries to be deleted. The library must be one of the current SCA libraries established by the SET LIBRARY command. You can use a library number in place of a library specification. For example, the primary library is library #1. You can also specify a wildcard name expression. 2 MODULE [SCA Command] Deletes specified modules of source analysis data from SCA libraries. Format DELETE MODULE module-name[, . . . ] 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D) Tells SCA whether or not to prompt you to confirm each module deletion. To delete a module, you must respond to the confirmation prompt by typing Y, YE, or YES. If you specify N, NO, or press the Return key, SCA does not delete the module. SCA considers any other response to be ambiguous and reissues the confirmation prompt. /DECLARATION_CLASS /DECLARATION_CLASS=declaration-class Indicates the class of the module to be deleted. The following declaration classes are supported: PRIMARY- Module implementation ASSOCIATED-Module specification If you do not specify a declaration class, SCA deletes both classes, if they exist. /LIBRARY /LIBRARY[=library-spec] /LIBRARY=primary-library (D) Specifies an SCA library containing the module to be deleted. This library must be one of the current libraries (established by a SET LIBRARY command). If you do not specify a library, the primary SCA library is the default; that is, the module is deleted from the first of the current SCA libraries. /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether SCA reports successful deletion of a module. 3 Parameter module-name[, . . . ] Specifies the names of the modules to be deleted from the current library. You may specify a wildcard name expression. 2 OVERVIEW This command gets rid of all the overview lines in a buffer, and makes all the real lines in the buffer visible. Format DELETE OVERVIEW 3 Qualifier /BUFFER /BUFFER=buffer-name Indicates the buffer whose overview information is to be reset. The default is the current buffer. 2 PACKAGE Deletes a package definition without deleting the routines or parameters associated with the package. Format DELETE PACKAGE package-name 3 Parameter package-name Names the package definition to be deleted. 2 PARAMETER Deletes a parameter definition from a package. Format DELETE PARAMETER parameter-name 3 Qualifier /PACKAGE /PACKAGE=package-name Specifies the name of the package that contains the parameter to be deleted. The DELETE PARAMETER command requires this qualifier. 3 Parameter parameter-name Specifies the name of the parameter to be deleted. 2 PLACEHOLDER Removes a name from the list of placeholders associated with a language. Format DELETE PLACEHOLDER name 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Names the language associated with the placeholder being deleted. By default, LSE deletes the placeholder from the set of placeholders defined for the current language. By using the /LANGUAGE qualifier, you can delete placeholders from other languages as well. 3 Parameter name Specifies the name of the placeholder to be deleted. 2 QUERY [SCA Command] Deletes the indicated query. Format DELETE QUERY [query-name] 3 Parameter query-name Specifies the query to be deleted. If you omit the query name, the current query is deleted. You can specify wildcards. 2 ROUTINE Deletes a routine definition from a package. Format DELETE ROUTINE routine-name 3 Qualifier /PACKAGE /PACKAGE=package-name Indicates the package containing the routine definition to be deleted. The DELETE ROUTINE command requires this qualifier. 3 Parameter routine-name Specifies the name of the routine to be deleted. 2 TAG Removes a name from the list of tags associated with a language. Format DELETE TAG name 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Names the language associated with the tag being deleted. By default, LSE deletes the tag from the set of tags defined for the current language. By using the /LANGUAGE qualifier, you can delete tags from other languages as well. 3 Parameter name Specifies the name of the tag to be deleted. 2 TOKEN Removes a token name from the list of tokens associated with a language. Format DELETE TOKEN name 3 Qualifier /LANGUAGE /LANGUAGE=language-name Specifies the language associated with the token being deleted. By default, LSE deletes the token from the set of tokens defined for the current language. Using the /LANGUAGE qualifier, you can delete tokens from other languages as well. 3 Parameter name Specifies the token name that is to be deleted. 2 WINDOW Deletes the current window. Format DELETE WINDOW