Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  SET  SOURCE_DIRECTORY
    Specifies a searchlist of directories to be used to find source


      SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY   directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . .

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /AFTER

       /AFTER (D)

    Specifies that LSE should insert the directory or directories
    indicated into the list of source directories in back of the
    directory you specify as the value on the qualifier. If you do
    not specify a directory-spec value, LSE adds the directory or
    directories to the end of the list.

    If you do not specify either the /AFTER qualifier or the /BEFORE
    qualifier, LSE replaces the entire directory list.

1.2    /BEFORE


    Specifies that LSE should insert the directory or directories
    indicated into the list of source directories in front of the
    directory you specify as the value on the qualifier. If you do not
    specify a directory-spec value, the directory or directories are
    added at the front of the list.

    If you do not specify either the /BEFORE qualifier or the /AFTER
    qualifier, LSE replaces the entire directory list.

2  –  Parameter

 directory-spec [,directory-spec] . . .
    Specifies one or more directory specifications. You can specify
    CMS$LIB as one directory specification; however, you may not get
    the results you expect if you set CMS$LIB as a source directory
    and do not issue the CMS command SET LIBRARY.
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