Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  SEARCH
    Searches the current buffer for the specified string and positions
    the cursor at that string.


      SEARCH   search-string

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /DIALOG

       /NODIALOG (D)

    Instructs LSE to use a dialog box to prompt the user for
    parameters and qualifier values. The command parameters are
    optional if you specify this qualifier. If you supply command
    parameters and qualifiers with the /DIALOG qualifier, these
    parameters and qualifiers are used to set the initial state of
    the dialog box.

    LSE ignores the /DIALOG qualifier if you are using a character-
    cell terminal.

1.2    /PATTERN

       /NOPATTERN (D)

    Enables or disables special interpretation of wildcard patterns
    in a search string. Use the SET SEARCH command to specify the
    style of wildcard patterns (VMS, ULTRIX or TPU).

    For details of the pattern styles use the command HELP FEATURES

    When you specify the /NOPATTERN qualifier (or when it is the
    default), special interpretation of wildcard patterns in the
    search string is disabled.

2  –  Parameter

    Specifies a quoted string indicating the string to search for.

    If the TPU pattern style is being used the search-string is a
    TPU expression which must evaluate to a TPU pattern (for
    example: "'abc' | 'def'").

    If you are using the DECwindows interface and specify the /DIALOG
    qualifier, the search string field in the Find dialog box takes
    the default value from the the previous search string, if any.
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