Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  HELP
    Displays information about LSE and SCA commands. In response to
    the Topic? prompt, you can also display such information as:

    o  New features in the update ("New_Features")

    o  Brief command descriptions with SCA commands noted ("Commands")

    o  Directions and suggestions for new users ("New_Users")

    o  Tutorial information about the use of many LSE features

    o  Information about SCA topics ("SCA_Topics")


      HELP   [topic-list]

    You can switch to the LSE portable command language by
    using the SET COMMAND LANGUAGE PORTABLE command.  You can
    then request help on the portable command language.  You
    can return to the CLI-based parser by entering the command

1  –  Qualifiers



    Causes LSE to display the help text associated with the token,
    placeholder, or routine at the current cursor position. If
    you do not specify or negate the /LANGUAGE qualifier or the
    /PACKAGE qualifier, LSE first looks for a language element. If
    the indicated item is not a language element, then LSE looks for a
    package element.

    The help text comes from the HELP library associated with the
    specified language or package. LSE forms a topic string by
    concatenating the /TOPIC_STRING qualifier associated with the
    language or package followed by the indicated token, placeholder,
    or entry name. LSE then searches for the topic in the HELP

    You cannot use the /INDICATED qualifier with any of the following
    qualifiers: /KEYPAD, /LANGUAGE, /LIBRARY, or /PACKAGE.

1.2    /KEYPAD


    Specifies that you want keypad HELP. You cannot use the /KEYPAD
    qualifier with any of the following qualifiers: /INDICATED,

    The /KEYPAD qualifier builds the keypad diagram by using legends
    specified with the /LEGEND qualifier on the DEFINE KEY command.
    When the diagram is displayed and you press a key, LSE looks up
    the topic specified for that key by using the /TOPIC qualifier on
    the DEFINE KEY command, and displays the corresponding help text.
    The HELP library accessed is LSE$KEYPAD.HLB.

1.3    /LANGUAGE


    Causes LSE to take the value of the /TOPIC_STRING qualifier for
    the indicated language and concatenate that value to the front of
    the topic-list parameter on the HELP command. If you specify the
    /LANGUAGE qualifier without a value, then LSE uses the language
    associated with the current buffer. (In this case, not having the
    current buffer associated with a language creates an error.)

    You must not specify either the /KEYPAD qualifier or the /PACKAGE
    qualifier with the /LANGUAGE qualifier.

1.4    /LIBRARY


    Specifies which HELP library LSE searches for the topic. This
    qualifier overrides the library file determined by LSE's default
    behavior. You may specify any other qualifiers with the /LIBRARY
    qualifier, except for the /KEYPAD qualifier.

1.5    /PACKAGE


    Causes LSE to take the value of the /TOPIC_STRING qualifier for
    the indicated package and concatenate that value to the front of
    the topic-list parameter on the HELP command. You must provide the
    package name as the value of the qualifier.

    You must not specify either the /KEYPAD or the /LANGUAGE qualifier
    with the /PACKAGE qualifier.

2  –  Parameter

    Indicates the topic for which you want help. This may be any list
    of topics valid for input to the DCL command interpreter's HELP
    command. The topic list must not be specified with the /INDICATED
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