Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  Features  Getting Started
  If you are experimenting with a new file associated with one  of  the
  supported  languages,  the  following  procedures may be helpful (see
  also topic "Entering_Code").

        o  Once  you  have  invoked  LSE,  and  the  initial string
           appears  on  the  screen, press the EXPAND key (CTRL/E) and
           the  structure  of  a program associated with your language
           will appear.

        o  Using the arrow keys, move through the menu and  expand  your
           choice by pressing CTRL/E, the ENTER key, or the RETURN key.

        o  Using the GOTO PLACEHOLDER/FORWARD key  (CTRL/N),  move  from
           one  placeholder to the next, expanding and typing in text as
           you go.  If you need help on a placeholder (or token),  press
           the  HELP/INDICATED key  sequence  (PF1-PF2)  while  you  are
           positioned on the placeholder.

        o  For those optional placeholders you do not  want,  press  the

        o  Enter command mode by pressing CTRL/Z, for the  LSE>  prompt,
           or  the  GOLD COMMAND key sequence (PF1 and keypad 7) for the
           LSE Command> prompt.  When  using   the   LSE>  prompt,  type
           CONTINUE  to  return  to  editing.  Type   the  EXIT  or QUIT
           command to leave LSE; however, if you  make  modifications
           to  the  file,  you  must  type  the EXIT command to save the
           changes you have made.

  If  you  wish  to  get  more general information about LSE, do  the

        o To see a diagram of the keypad, press the HELP key (PF2).

        o To obtain a listing of the keys and their descriptions,  press
          CTRL/Z to get the LSE> prompt, and type the SHOW KEY command.

        o To see a list of LSE commands and their explanations, press
          CTRL/Z to get the LSE> prompt, and type HELP COMMANDS.

        o To display a list of all the predefined tokens or placeholders
          for  the  language  of the current buffer, press CTRL/Z to get
          the  LSE>  prompt, and type the SHOW TOKEN or SHOW PLACEHOLDER

        o To  get  language-specific  help  on  a  particular keyword or
          placeholder, position the cursor on the keyword or placeholder
          and press GOLD PF2. Help is not available for all keywords and

1  –  Using Menus

  Each option in a menu is either a token, a placeholder, or a  string.
  If  you  select  a token or placeholder, the expansion of that option
  appears in the buffer.  If you choose a string the string appears  in
  the  buffer.   The menu is removed from the screen after you select a
  menu option.

  When a menu first appears on the screen, you can:

       1.  Move  through  the  menu by pressing the up or down arrow
           keys.  (This causes the indicator to move from one option
           to the next.)

       2.  Select an option from the menu by pressing the EXPAND key
           (CTRL/E),  the  ENTER  key,  or the RETURN key, while the
           indicator is on the desired option.

       3.  Press the PF2 or HELP key to get additional help.

       4.  Press  the space bar to cause the menu to disappear (this
           has  no  effect on the user's buffer). Pressing any other
           key  also  makes  the  menu disappear, however, the key's
           function is performed.
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