Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  ERASE
    Inserts the item specified by the option word.


      ERASE   option


    Erases a single character at the current cursor position.



1.1  –  Qualifiers

1.1.1    /CURRENT

       /CURRENT (D)

    Erases text in the current direction.

1.1.2    /FORWARD

    Erases text in the forward direction.

1.1.3    /INDICATED

       /INDICATED (D)

    Deletes the character at the current cursor position.

1.1.4    /REVERSE

    Erases text in the reverse direction.

1.1.5    /TO

    Deletes the character at the current cursor position when the
    direction is FORWARD. Deletes the character before the current
    cursor position when the direction is REVERSE.

2  –  LINE

    Removes a line of text at the current cursor position.



2.1  –  Qualifiers

2.1.1    /BEGINNING

       /BEGINNING (D)

    Indicates that the cursor should be moved to the beginning of a
    line as part of the ERASE operation. You cannot use the /BEGINNING
    qualifier with the /INDICATED qualifier.

2.1.2    /CURRENT

       /CURRENT (D)

    Erases text in the current direction.

2.1.3    /END

    Indicates that the cursor should be moved to the end of a line
    as part of the ERASE operation. You cannot use the /END qualifier
    with the /INDICATED qualifier.

2.1.4    /FORWARD

    Erases text in the forward direction.

2.1.5    /INDICATED

       /INDICATED (D)

    Erases the entire line that the cursor is on (including the
    carriage return and line feed), regardless of the cursor position
    within that line or the direction specified. The cursor moves
    to the beginning of the next line. You cannot use the /INDICATED
    qualifier with the /BEGINNING, /END, or /TO qualifiers.

2.1.6    /REVERSE

    Erases text in the reverse direction.

2.1.7    /TO

    Erases text from the current cursor position to the next line in
    the direction specified.


    Deletes the text of a placeholder and related punctuation.



3.1  –  Qualifiers

3.1.1    /CURRENT

       /CURRENT (D)

    Specifies cursor motion in the current direction.

3.1.2    /FORWARD

    Specifies cursor motion in the forward direction.



    Specifies whether or not the cursor should move to the next
    placeholder after performing the ERASE operation. The movement
    to the next placeholder does not take place if it would force the
    current position to scroll off the screen.

3.1.4    /REVERSE

    Specifies cursor motion in the reverse direction.


    Removes the text within the selected range.



5  –  WORD

    Removes a word at the current cursor position.



5.1  –  Qualifiers

5.1.1    /CURRENT

       /CURRENT (D)

    Erases text in the current direction.

5.1.2    /FORWARD

    Erases text in the forward direction.

5.1.3    /INDICATED

       /INDICATED (D)

    Deletes the entire word the cursor is on, regardless of the
    cursor's position within that word.

5.1.4    /NEXT

    Erases the word following the cursor. When the cursor is
    positioned on a space, LSE erases all the spaces before and after
    the deleted word except one space. If the cursor is at the end of
    a line, the next line is appended to the current line. You cannot
    use the /NEXT qualifier with any other ERASE WORD qualifier.

5.1.5    /PREVIOUS

    Erases the previous word when the cursor is on the first character
    of a word or between words. When the cursor is in the middle of
    a word, that entire word is erased and the cursor moves on to
    the first letter of the next word. You cannot use the /PREVIOUS
    qualifier with any other ERASE WORD qualifier.

5.1.6    /REVERSE

    Erases text in the reverse direction.

5.1.7    /TO

    Deletes text from the current cursor position to the beginning of
    the next word in the specified direction.
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