Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE  PACKAGE
    Defines a subroutine package for which subroutine call templates
    are automatically generated.


      DEFINE PACKAGE   package-name

1  –  Qualifiers



    Specifies the HELP file (.HLB file) where you can find help text
    for placeholders and tokens defined for this package. If omitted,
    then no HELP file is associated with the package.

    LSE applies the default file specification SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB.
    If you want to access some device or directory other than
    SYS$HELP, you must supply an explicit device and directory name.

1.2    /LANGUAGE

       /LANGUAGE=(language1 [, . . . ])

    Specifies the languages from which LSE can use package entries.
    If you do not specify a language, then LSE uses the language of
    the current buffer. If no language is associated with the current
    buffer, then an error occurs.



    Lets you customize calling sequences. Normally LSE uses a fixed
    algorithm to produce the appropriate placeholder definitions
    from the DEFINE PARAMETER command. If the default algorithm is
    inadequate, then you can supply explicit VAXTPU procedures to
    produce the DEFINE PLACEHOLDER command that you want.

    The argument provided with the /PARAMETER_EXPAND qualifier must
    be the prefix of a VAXTPU procedure name. Whenever LSE expands a
    parameter, it concatenates this prefix and the current language
    name, and looks for a VAXTPU procedure by that name.



    Lets you customize calling sequences. Normally LSE uses a fixed
    algorithm to produce the appropriate token and placeholder
    definitions from the DEFINE ROUTINE command. If the default
    algorithm is inadequate, then you can supply explicit VAXTPU
    procedures to produce the DEFINE PLACEHOLDER or DEFINE TOKEN
    commands that you want.

    The argument provided with the /ROUTINE_EXPAND qualifier must
    be the prefix of a VAXTPU procedure name. Whenever LSE expands
    a routine, it concatenates this prefix and the current language
    name, and looks for a VAXTPU procedure by that name. For example,
    if you specify /ROUTINE_EXPAND=my_routine_expand_ and the current
    language is FORTRAN, then LSE looks for a VAXTPU procedure named



    Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to the TOPIC_STRING
    specified for tokens and placeholders associated with the routine
    or parameter definitions. If omitted, then the null string is used
    as the topic string. LSE uses the topic string to look up help
    text for the package.

2  –  Parameter

    Specifies the name of the package being defined.
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