Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE  KEY
    Binds an LSE command to a key.


      DEFINE KEY   key-specifier    string

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /DIALOG

    Specifies that a dialog box should be used to prompt the user
    for parameters and qualifier values. The command parameters are
    optional if this qualifier is specified. If command parameters
    and qualifiers are specified with the /DIALOG qualifier, the
    parameters and qualifiers are used to set the initial state of
    the dialog box.

1.2    /IF_STATE

       /NOIF_STATE (D)

    Specifies that the key definition applies only to the GOLD (PF1)

1.3    /LEARN

    Indicates that a sequence of keystrokes, called a learn sequence,
    defines the command to be bound to a key. You must type the
    keystroke sequence immediately after the command and end the
    sequence by specifying the END DEFINE command. If you are using
    the EVE keypad, CTRL/R is bound to the END DEFINE command by
    default. However, you do not have to define a key to be the
    END DEFINE command to use the DEFINE KEY/LEARN command. When LSE
    records the learn sequence, the key being defined by the DEFINE
    KEY/LEARN command binds to the END DEFINE command. Therefore, you
    can press the key that you are defining to end the learn sequence.

    When executing the stored sequence, LSE includes your responses to
    all prompts but does not prompt you again for such information as
    the string for a SEARCH command.

    You may not use a learn sequence to enter a key definition while
    another key is in the process of being defined by another learn

1.4    /LEGEND


    Specifies the text that appears in the keypad diagram for
    this key. The string is centered in the figure for the key, or
    truncated if the string is too long for the figure.

    If you do not specify the /LEGEND qualifier with a string, the
    default is /LEGEND=?.

1.5    /REMARK

       /REMARK=(string, . . . )

    Specifies the explanatory text that is displayed when you issue a
    SHOW KEY/FULL command.

1.6    /STATE


    Moves the functionality of the GOLD (PF1) key to the named key.
    You cannot specify the string parameter with the /STATE=GOLD


       /TOPIC_STRING=No_Topic (D)

    Specifies the string that the editor uses to retrieve help text
    for this key for display through the HELP /KEYPAD command.

    If you do not specify a string with the /TOPIC_STRING qualifier,
    the default is /TOPIC_STRING=No_Topic.

2  –  Parameter

    Specifies a keyword that indicates the key to be defined. If you
    use the DEFINE KEY command to change the definition of a key that
    was previously defined, LSE does not save the previous definition.

    Specifies an LSE command to be executed when the key is pressed.
    This is a required parameter unless you use the /LEARN qualifier;
    you cannot use the string parameter with either the /LEARN
    qualifier or the /STATE=GOLD qualifier.
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