Library /sys$common/syshlp/LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  DEFINE  ADJUSTMENT
    Defines the behavior of the LSE viewing commands on individual
    lines of a source file.


      DEFINE ADJUSTMENT  adjustment-name [pattern]

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /COMPRESS

       /COMPRESS (D)

    Avoids compressing groups and overrides indentation. If a group
    of lines begins with a /NOCOMPRESS line, then the group is never

1.2    /COUNT

       /COUNT (D)

    Controls whether the matching line contributes to the line count
    for the group. When determining whether to form a group, the line
    count is compared with the minimum_lines value for the language.

    See the description for DEFINE LANGUAGE/OVERVIEW_OPTIONS=

1.3    /CURRENT

       /CURRENT=0 (D)

    Adjusts the indentation of the current line. If a buffer line
    matches an adjustment defined with the /CURRENT qualifier, then
    the indentation of the buffer line is adjusted by the number of
    columns given as the qualifier value. A positive value causes the
    indentation to be adjusted to the right; a negative value causes
    the indentation to be adjusted to the left. For example, DEFINE
    ADJUSTMENT then /CURRENT=1 means "Adjust each line that begins
    with the word 'then' one column to the right."


1.4    /INHERIT

       /NOINHERIT (D)

    Specifies that the indentation for the current line is taken from
    the adjusted indentation of another line.

    You can specify one of the following keywords to determine the
    indentation of the current line:

    Keyword     Description

    MAXIMUM     The visible indentation for the current line is taken
                from the adjusted indentation of either the previous
                line or the next line, whichever is larger.

    MINIMUM     The visible indentation for the current line is taken
                from the adjusted indentation of either the previous
                line or the next line, whichever is smaller.

    NEXT        The visible indentation for the current line is taken
                from the adjusted indentation of the next line.

    PREVIOUS    The visible indentation for the current line is taken
                from the adjusted indentation of the previous line.

    You cannot specify the /INHERIT qualifier with either the /PREFIX
    qualifier or the /SUBSEQUENT qualifier.

1.5    /LANGUAGE


    Specifies the language associated with the indentation adjustment.
    By default, the new adjustment is associated with the language for
    the current buffer. If there is no language associated with the
    current buffer, then the /LANGUAGE qualifier is required.

1.6    /OVERVIEW

       /OVERVIEW (D)

    Controls whether or not the text of the line is used as the
    overview line. If a line matches an adjustment defined with the
    /NOOVERVIEW qualifier, then the text of the line is never used
    as the overview text for compressed lines. Instead, text from a
    later line is used as the overview text. The /NOOVERVIEW qualifier
    is used to prevent uninformative text from appearing in overview

1.7    /PREFIX

       /PREFIX=(indentation-value, adjustment-value)
       /NOPREFIX (D)

    Provides a way to skip a pattern at the beginning of a line
    to determine indentation or influence adjustment. The /PREFIX
    qualifier takes the following pair of values:


    Indentation-value is one of the following keywords:

    o  CURRENT-Instructs LSE to use the indentation of the first text
       in the pattern-the beginning of the prefix.

    o  FOLLOWING-Instructs LSE to use the indentation of the text that
       follows the prefix. If there is no text after the prefix, use
       the indentation of the prefix.

    Adjustment-value is one of the following keywords:

    o  CURRENT-Instructs LSE to use the adjustment qualifier values
       given on the current definition.

    o  FOLLOWING-Instructs LSE to use the adjustment qualifier values
       from the definition that matches the text following the prefix.
       If no text follows the prefix on the current line, LSE uses the
       qualifier values for a blank line. If /PREFIX has an adjustment
       value of FOLLOWING, other action qualifiers on the definition
       are ignored.

    The combination (CURRENT,CURRENT) is not useful because it causes
    both the indentation and the adjustments to be taken from the text
    at the beginning of the pattern. This is the same as having no
    prefix at all.

    You cannot specify the /PREFIX qualifier with the /INHERIT


       /SUBSEQUENT=0 (D)

    Adjusts the indentation of lines after the current line. If a
    buffer line matches an adjustment defined with the /SUBSEQUENT
    qualifier, then the indentation of all lines after the given
    one are adjusted by the number of columns given as the qualifier
    value. A positive value causes the indentation to be adjusted to
    the right; a negative value causes the indentation to be adjusted
    to the left.

    Use the /SUBSEQUENT qualifier for language constructs that denote
    nesting and have well-defined endpoints. Use a positive value at
    the beginning of the construct and a negative value at the end.

    You cannot specify the /SUBSEQUENT qualifier with the /INHERIT

1.9    /UNIT

       /NOUNIT (D)

    Treats consecutive lines as a single unit. If consecutive lines in
    the buffer match adjustments defined with the /UNIT qualifier and
    have the same adjusted indentation, then the sequence of lines is
    treated as one group, with the first serving as the overview line.
    Notice that it is not required that all elements of the group
    match the same adjustment definition; it is only required that the
    /UNIT qualifier be specified on all the definitions.

2  –  Parameters

    Specifies the name of the adjustment being defined.

    Specifes the string that LSE compares against source lines. If no
    pattern is used, the adjustment-name parameter is used.

    Pattern strings match any string that can be specified directly
    on the command line. Strings with special characters must be
    enclosed in quotes (" ").  Whether the string is quoted or not,
    the comparison is case-insensitive. You must use the "$()"
    convention to enclose named pattern elements.

    Definitions with literal strings take precedence over definitions
    with predefined patterns.

    A list of predefined patterns follows:

    o  COLUMN=(first-column[,last-column])-Limits the column in which
       the text may start.

       You can specify either the first column or both the first
       column and the last column. If you specify both the first
       and last columns, you must enclose the column values in
       parentheses. If you do not specify the last column, it takes
       its default from the first column.

    o  IDENTIFIER-Matches a sequence of identifier characters.

    o  LINE_END-Matches the end of a line, optionally preceeded by
       white space.

    o  OPTIONAL_SPACE-Matches any sequence of spaces and tabs.

    o  FORMFEED-Matches a form-feed character.

    o  FORTRAN_COMMENT-Matches only FORTRAN comment lines.

    o  FORTRAN_FUNCTION- Matches the first line of any FORTRAN
       function subprogram. That is defined to be any line that
       matches the following pattern:

             type [*number] FUNCTION


             type :==        BYTE
                         |   LOGICAL
                         |   INTEGER
                         |   REAL
                         |   DOUBLE PRECISION
                         |   COMPLEX
                         |   DOUBLE COMPLEX
                         |   CHARACTER

             NUMBER :==     {DIGIT}...
                         |   (*)

    o  PREFIX-The preceding part of the pattern is a prefix.

    o  NUMBER-Matches any sequence of digits. White space may not
       appear between digits. In the case of a match with both NUMBER
       and IDENTIFIER, NUMBER takes precedence.
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