1 SHOW_LOG Displays information about transaction logs. Requires READ access to the transaction logs and the directories they are in. Format SHOW LOG [filespec] 2 Parameter filespec The file specification of the transaction logs you want to display information about. This can include the percent (%) and asterisk (*) wildcard characters. The SHOW LOG command uses the following defaults: o If you omit the disk and directory, the SHOW LOG command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table. o If you omit the file type, the SHOW LOG command uses .LM$JOURNAL. 2 /CURRENT Displays information about the local node's transaction log. This includes the number of checkpoints and stalls that have occurred since DECdtm services started on this node. To use the /CURRENT qualifier: o You must have the CMKRNL privilege. o You must omit the parameter to the SHOW LOG command. 2 /FULL Lists all attributes of the transaction logs. For each transaction log, both the full file specification of the transaction log and its size are displayed. If you do not specify which transaction log you want to display, the SHOW LOG command lists all transaction logs of the form SYSTEM$*.LM$JOURNAL, in all directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=filespec] Requires READ and WRITE access to the directory in which the output file is to be created. Specifies where the output of the SHOW LOG command is sent. If you omit this qualifier, output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you do not supply a file specification, the output is sent to the file LMCP_SHOW.LIS in your default directory. 2 Example LMCP> SHOW LOG/FULL Directory of DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES] DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Log File UID: 647327A0-2674-11C9-8001-AA00040069F8 Penultimate Checkpoint: 000000001A39 0039 Last Checkpoint: 000000001C8A 008A Total of 1 file. Directory of DISK$RED:[LOGFILES] DISK$RED:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$RED.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Log File UID: 17BB9140-2674-11C9-8001-AA0004006AF8 Penultimate Checkpoint: 000000ECADE5 41E5 Last Checkpoint: 000000F1O5FC 41FC Total of 1 file. Directory of DISK$LOGFILES:[LOGS] DISK$LOGFILES:[LOGS]SYSTEM$YELLOW.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 1002 / Allocated 1002 Log Version 1.0 Log File UID: 590DAA40-2640-11C9-B77A-08002B14179F Penultimate Checkpoint: 00000C8B4819 2019 Last Checkpoint: 00000C8BC15B 335B Total of 1 file. Total of 3 files in 3 directories. This example displays full details about the transaction logs in all directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL. This logical is defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.