Library /sys$common/syshlp/LMCP$HLB.HLB  —  DUMP
    Displays the contents of a transaction log.

    Requires READ access to the transaction log and the directory it
    is in.


      DUMP  filespec

1  –  Parameter


    The file specification of the transaction log whose contents you
    want to display.

    The DUMP command uses the following defaults:

    o  If you omit the disk and directory, the DUMP command looks
       for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by the
       logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode
       in the system logical name table.

    o  If you omit the file type, the DUMP command uses .LM$JOURNAL.

2    /ACTIVE

    Selects records only for active transactions that have not yet
    been forgotten.

3    /FORMAT

       /FORMAT (default)

    Determines whether the contents of the transaction log are
    displayed as formatted records. Specify both the /NOFORMAT and
    the /HEX qualifiers to display the contents of the transaction
    log in hexadecimal only.

    If the /NOFORMAT qualifier is specified without the /HEX
    qualifier, only the transaction log header is displayed.

4    /HEX

       /NOHEX (default)

    Specifies that the contents of the transaction log are displayed
    as both ASCII characters and hexadecimal longwords. Specify both
    the /NOFORMAT and /HEX qualifiers to display the contents of the
    transaction log in hexadecimal only.

5    /LOGID


    Selects records only for transactions that have participants
    whose logid field matches the specified value.

    The logid is in the Log ID field, to the right of the Type
    field. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in
    the display, including hyphens.

    Note that you can use this qualifier only with the /RM qualifier.

6    /OUTPUT


    Requires READ and WRITE access to the directory in which the
    output file is to be created.

    Specifies where the output from the DUMP command is sent. If you
    omit this qualifier, output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT
    device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use
    the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you do not supply a file specification,
    the output is sent to the file LMCP_DUMP.LIS in your default

7    /RM


    Selects records only for transactions that have participants
    whose names begin with the specified value.

    The participant name is shown in the Name field, and is output in
    both ASCII and hexadecimal.

    If the participant name includes undisplayable characters, you
    can select records for that participant by using the hexadecimal
    form of its name. When specifying the hexadecimal form of
    the name, you must convert it by reversing the pairs in the
    hexadecimal number. For example, if the participant name is:

    Name (11): "SYSTEM$RED" (4445 52244D45 54535953)

    the value you specify for the /RM qualifier is:


8    /STATE


    Selects records only for transactions in either the Committed or
    Prepared states.

9    /TID


    Selects records only for the specified transaction.

    The transaction_id is shown in the Transaction ID field. The
    value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display,
    including hyphens.

10  –  Example


      This example displays the contents of the transaction log for
      node BLUE, selecting only transactions in which
      RMS Journaling for OpenVMS is participating.
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