Library /sys$common/syshlp/LD$HELP.HLB  —  LD  SHOW  /ENTRIES

 	This qualifier allows selection of the tracebuffer contents.

 	If one parameter is specified, it will be the number of entries
 	from the start of the tracebuffer when positive, or from the end
 	of the tracebuffer when negative.

 	For example, /ENTRIES=10 will show the first 10 entries, while
 	/ENTRIES=-10 will show the last 10 entries.

 	When two parameters are specified, a range of entries will be shown.
 	For example, /ENTRIES=(30,50) will show all entries from entry
 	30 through entry 50 inclusive.

 	The default of -10 will show the last 10 entries.
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