Library /sys$common/syshlp/LD$HELP.HLB  —  LD  New features V9.6
 	V9.6 has the following bugfixes:

 	On Ia64 the trace data was not properly displayed, the microseconds
 	resolution field was invalid. This could only happen on
 	OpenVMS V8.3 or above.

 	On all platforms the display of timing information with
 	/TIMESTAMP=DELTA was incorrect. This could only happen on
 	OpenVMS V8.3 or above.

 	If a container file does not have the NO_CACHING attribute set it
 	will be set when the file is disconnected (provided that there is
 	write access to the file). Not doing that may leave data in the
 	XFC cache from operations like copy, unzip, etc. causing problems
 	later on when reconnecting the container file.
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