Library /sys$common/syshlp/LD$HELP.HLB  —  LD  CONNECT
   LD CONNECT file_or_device [LDAn:] [Logicalname]

 	This command will connect the Logical Disk File to the Logical
 	Disk device.

 	This function must be performed before the logical disk can be
 	mounted or otherwise used. It requires the Physical Disk to be
 	mounted and requires read and write access to the Logical Disk File.

 	If the LD-device is not specified, it will be assigned by the
 	driver, and an informational message will be given about which
 	device is selected.

 	If the LD-device is not specified and a file is connected /SHARED,
 	the corresponding device is automatically created provided that
 	the process issueing the command has CMKRNL privilege.

 	If the device is specified, and if that device does not exist
 	it will be created as specified.

 	If the optional Logicalname argument is specified a logical name
 	pointing to the device will be created in the process table.
 	Notice that the logical name will not be deassigned when the device
 	is disconnected.

 	Specifying the LD device to connect to is optional, and it works
 	also if an alternate controller is used without a unit number (for
 	example, LDB). So you can let the driver automatically select a
 	unitnumber when it's not specified, so this will work:


 	The file will then be connected to the next unitnumber on the B



 	If this qualifier is specified, the specified allocation class will
 	be set for all LD devices. This qualifier can only be set when there
 	are currently no LD devices connected.

 	Setting an allocation class can be usefull if LD device needs to be
 	shared in a cluster where different nodes have different allocation



 	This is the default. On a connect the containerfile is checked if
 	there's geometry info available, and if true that's used for connect
 	unless /NOAUTOGEOMETRY is specified.

3    /CLONE


 	Allows size and geometry to be cloned from the specified device. This
 	device has to be mounted for this to function. Other geometry data
 	may be overruled when specified on the commandline.



 	When this qualifier is specified the device will be created with the
 	specified number of cylinders. If not specified, and no /TRACKS
 	and /SECTORS switches are specified, then the device geometry will
 	be calculated by the driver. If it is specified then any other geometry
 	switch will default to 1 when not specified.

 	The maximum number of cylinders is 65535.

 	If SECTORS * TRACKS * CYLINDERS is less than the capacity of the
 	containerfile an error message will be issued.


 		If a container file has been used and is reconnected with other
 		geometry information which results in another disksize then
 		diskcorruption may result.

 	This qualifier may not be used together with /REPLACE or /LBN. For
 	/REPLACE the geometry will be inherited from the replaced device.
 	For /LBN the driver will create the appropriate geometry.

5    /EXTEND

  /NOEXTEND (default)

 	This qualifier allows a tapeunit to automatically extend the container
 	file on demand. If no value is specified then the default extend size
 	is 65536 blocks at a time.


  /FORCED_ERROR (default)

 	This qualifier will allow the LD device to handle forced errors,
 	provided that the underlaying physical device is capable of handling
 	them too. Specify /NOFORCED_ERROR to prevent the device from
 	handling these errors and return an SS$_UNSUPPORTED error if an
 	attempt is made to create a forced error. This can be used in testing
 	host-based volume shadowing.

7    /FULL

  /NOFULL (default)

 	This qualifier will show all attributes of the selected LD device,
 	like sharing, connection type etc.

8    /INIT

  /NOINIT (default)

 	This qualifier will reinitialize the metadata when a tape containerfile
 	is connected. Since this will overwrite the first part of the containerfile
 	it is not done by default. If a containerfile is created with the LM
 	command it will automatically be created with metadata in place.

9    /LBN

  /LBN=(START=x,END=y) or

 	Connect an LD device to a physical disk, starting at LBN x, with either
 	an end-lbn specified or a count. The ending lbn may not be beyond the
 	end of the physical device. The count plus the starting lbn may also
 	not be beyond the end. With this qualifier it is possible to partially
 	map a physical disk.

10    /LIMIT

  /NOLIMIT (default)

 	This qualifier allows a tapeunit to automatically limit the container
 	file size. This works in conjunction with /EXTEND, which enables automatic
 	extension. Once the container file has grown to the specified size it will
 	stop there. If no value is specified or specified as zero then there's no

11    /LOAD

  /LOAD (default)

 	When negated this qualifier will create a new tape device without a
 	containerfile connected to it. A subsequent 'LOAD' command is needed
 	to use the device.

12    /LOCK

  /NOLOCK (default)

 	This qualifier will lock the container file in a manner that prevents
 	deletion. Without this the file can be deleted, but the actual deletion
 	will only take place when the container file is disconnected so no
 	harm will be done. This is the same bahaviour as what's in place for
 	page-, swap- and dumpfiles.

13    /LOG

  /NOLOG (default)

 	Shows the connection between the logical disk and the file or device
 	after the connection has been completed. This switch may be combined
 	withe /FULL to see everything.

14    /LOGICAL


 	Specifies a logical name to be associated with the actual name of
 	the created device.

 	You can specify one of the following options for the TABLE

 	GROUP	Places the logical name in the group logical name
 		table. You must have GRPNAM or SYSPRV privilege to
 		place the logical name in the group logical name table.

 	JOB	Places the logical name in the jobwide logical name

 	PROCESS	Places the logical name in the process logical name
 		table. This is the default.

 	SYSTEM	Places the logical name in the system logical name
 		table. You must have SYSNAM or SYSPRV privilege to
 		place a name in the system logical name table.

 	You can also specify the name of a specific table. For example,
 	you could specify LNM$PROCESS, which would be the equivalent of
 	specifying PROCESS.

 	Options for the MODE keyword are:

 	EXECUTIVE  Creates an executive mode logical name. You must have
 		   SYSNAM privilege to create an executive mode logical

 	SUPERVISOR Creates a supervisor mode logical name.

 	USER	   Creates a user mode logical name.

 	The access mode associated with the logical name is determined
 	by maximizing the access mode of the caller with the access mode
 	specified by the MODE keyword: the mode with the lower privilege
 	is used.

 	You cannot specify an access mode with a privilege higher than
 	that of the table containing the logical name. However, if your
 	process has SYSNAM privilege, then the specified access mode is
 	associated with the logical name regardless of the access mode of
 	the caller.

 	If you omit the MODE keyword, the access mode of the caller is
 	associated with the logical name.

 	If you create a USER mode logical name but don't specify a table,
 	the name will be deleted as soon as the LD control utility exits.
 	This is the normal behaviour for user mode logical names.



 	When this qualifier is specified the specified number of blocks
 	will be the maximum used for the device. It may not be bigger than
 	the allocated size of the container file.

16    /REPLACE

 	When this qualifier is specified one has to specify a devicename
 	instead of a filespec. This has the effect of replacing the
 	physical drive with the logical drive, and it enables all I/O
 	requests to the physical device to be logged. The physical device
 	will be marked allocated and unavailable.

17    /SAVE


 	Updates the geometry data in the containerfile.

18    /SECTORS


 	When this qualifier is specified the device will be created with the
 	specified number of sectors. If not specified, and no /CYLINDERS
 	and /TRACKS switches are specified, then the device geometry will
 	be calculated by the driver. If it is specified then any other geometry
 	switch will default to 1 when not specified.

 	The maximum number of sectors is 255.

 	If SECTORS * TRACKS * CYLINDERS is less than the capacity of the
 	containerfile an error message will be issued.


 		If a container file has been used and is reconnected with other
 		geometry information which results in another disksize then
 		diskcorruption may result.

 	This qualifier may not be used together with /REPLACE or /LBN. For
 	/REPLACE the geometry will be inherited from the replaced device.
 	For /LBN the driver will create the appropriate geometry.

19    /SHARE

 	If this qualifier is specified, then sharing the container file with
 	other nodes in a cluster is allowed, provided that the same devicename
 	(ALLDEVNAM) is used on every node accessing the file, and that the
 	specified geometry is the same on every node.

 	If the containerfile needs to be accessed on other nodes as well
 	then the CONNECT/SHARE command must be issued on all nodes wanting
 	to share the container file.

 	If used together with /REPLACE then sharing of another device is

20    /SYMBOL

 	When this qualifier is specified a local DCL symbol representing
 	the unit number will be created: LD_UNIT. This can be useful when
 	a connect is done without specifying a unit number. With this
 	qualifier included a command procedure is able to use this in
 	subsequent commands.

 	If it is used with tapes (LM) then the symbol name will be LM_UNIT.

21    /TRACKS


 	When this qualifier is specified the device will be created with the
 	specified number of tracks. If not specified, and no /CYLINDERS
 	and /SECTORS switches are specified, then the device geometry will
 	be calculated by the driver. If it is specified then any other geometry
 	switch will default to 1 when not specified.

 	The maximum number of tracks is 255.

 	If SECTORS * TRACKS * CYLINDERS is less than the capacity of the
 	containerfile an error message will be issued.


 		If a container file has been used and is reconnected with other
 		geometry information which results in another disksize then
 		diskcorruption may result.

 	This qualifier may not be used together with /REPLACE or /LBN. For
 	/REPLACE the geometry will be inherited from the replaced device.
 	For /LBN the driver will create the appropriate geometry.
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