1 SHOW Displays information contained in various internal ICC data structures. 2 PROCESSES Displays which processes are using the ICC facility and the number of currently open associations and connections for each process. Format SHOW PROCESSES [/ALL] 3 Qualifiers /ALL In addition to displaying the processes currently using the ICC facility, also displays which processes have previously used the ICC facility but no longer have any open associations. 2 ASSOCIATIONS Displays information about open ICC associations. When this command is specified without any of its optional qualifiers, it first displays a summary of all ICCPAB data structures, followed by more detailed information for each ICCPAB. Format SHOW ASSOCIATIONS [/IDENTIFICATION=epid] [/NAME=association_name] [/PAB=address] [/PCB=address] [/PDB=address] The qualifiers are mutually exclusive. 3 Qualifiers /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=epid Displays detailed information for each ICC association opened by the specified process. /NAME /NAME=association_name Displays detailed information about the association with the specified name. A case-blind search is made for the specified association, and all matching associations will be displayed. Quotes may be supplied if necessary. /PAB /PAB=address Displays detailed information about the association specified by the supplied ICCPAB address. /PCB /PCB=address Displays detailed information about the association owning the connection given by the supplied ICCPCB address. /PDB /PDB=address Displays detailed information about the associations opened by the process with the supplied ICCPDB address. 2 CONNECTIONS Displays information about each open ICC association in the system. When this command is specified without any of its optional qualifiers, it first displays a summary of all ICCPAB data structures, followed by more detailed information for each ICCPAB. Format SHOW CONNECTIONS [/IDENTIFICATION=epid] [/NAME=association_name] [/PAB=address] [/PCB=address] [/PDB=address] SHOW CONNECTIONS [/STATISTICS [/RESET]] [any qualifier above] The qualifiers in the first column are mutually exclusive, but may be combined with the /STATISTICS and /RESET qualifier. Additional connection information may be displayed by the SDA command for SCS connctions, SHOW CONNECTION/CDT=address, supplying the CDT address given in the ICC SHOW CONNECTIONS 3 Qualifiers /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=epid Displays detailed information for each ICC connection opened by the specified process. /NAME /NAME=association_name Displays detailed information about all connections open from the association with the specified name. A case-blind search is made for the specified association, and the connections open from all matching associations will be displayed. Quotes may be supplied if necessary. /PAB /PAB=address Displays detailed information about all connections open from the association specified by the supplied ICCPAB address. /PCB /PCB=address Displays detailed information about the connection specified by the supplied ICCPCB address. /PDB /PDB=address Displays detailed information about the connections opened by the process with the supplied ICCPDB address. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS In addition to the default information normally displayed, when the /STATISTICS qualifier is specified, information about the total number of bytes and messages sent will be displayed. Statistics are maintained both for the total time the connection has been opened as well as for the time interval since the first display of information for a connection or the most recent use of the /RESET qualifier. Recent statistics are discarded upon exit from the SDA program. It is important to note that the SCS data structures being queried for counter information maintain only 32-bit counters, which may overflow, potentially making the statistical information incorrect over longer periods of time. Frequent use of the /RESET qualifier may assist with avoiding this problem for the recent statistics. If a selection qualifier is also specified, only the counters for the selected ICC connections will be displayed /RESET /RESET This qualifier must be specified together with the /STATISTICS qualifier. When given, the command will first display and then reset the recent counters maintained by the ICC SDA facility. If a selection qualifier is also specified, only the counters for the selected ICC connections will be displayed and reset.