/RAD=n /NORAD Specifies the RAD number on which to run batch jobs assigned to the queue. The RAD value is validated as a positive integer between 0 and the value returned by the $GETSYI item code, SYI$_ RAD_MAX_RADS. To eliminate the RAD value for a batch queue, use the /NORAD qualifier. Note that when you change the RAD value on a batch queue, the jobs currently in the batch queue are not dynamically updated with the new RAD value. Any executing jobs will complete processing using the original RAD value. Jobs in the pending, holding, or timed execution states will retain the old RAD value on the job; however, when such a job becomes executable, the job is updated with the new RAD value. RAD is supported on AlphaServer GS series systems and starting from OpenVMS Version 8.4, support is extended to NUMA capable Integrity servers.