1.$ SHOW DISPLAY Device: WSA1: [super] Node: 0 Transport: LOCAL Server: 0 Screen: 0 $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=ZEPHYR/EXECUTIVE_MODE $ SHOW DISPLAY Device: WSA2: [exec] Node: ZEPHYR Transport: DECNET Server: 0 Screen: 0 $ SPAWN/NOWAIT/INPUT=NL: RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK $ SET DISPLAY/DELETE $ SHOW DISPLAY Device: WSA1: [super] Node: 0 Transport: LOCAL Server: 0 Screen: 0 In this example, you are logged in to your workstation (device WSA1:), here referred to as node 0. (0 is the standard shorthand notation for representing your node.) You want to run the DECwindows Clock on your workstation and display it on another workstation, ZEPHYR. Assuming you are authorized to display applications on ZEPHYR, you redirect the application's output to ZEPHYR with the SET DISPLAY command. The device created on ZEPHYR is an executive- mode device. You enter the SHOW DISPLAY command to verify the location of the redirected display. You then run Clock. When you finish running Clock, you disable the redirected display by entering the SET DISPLAY/DELETE command. Finally, you enter the SHOW DISPLAY command to verify that any applications subsequently run on your node will also be displayed there. Note that a new workstation display device, WSA2, is created when you enter the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command. When you cancel the redirected display with the SET DISPLAY/DELETE command, application output is once again displayed on the workstation display device referred to by WSA1. 2.$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=FLOPSY RABBIT $ SHOW DISPLAY RABBIT Device: WSA2: [super] Node: FLOPSY Transport: DECNET Server: 0 Screen: 0 $ RUN/DETACHED/OUTPUT=WSA2: SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=ZEPHYR ZNODE $ SHOW DISPLAY ZNODE Device: WSA3: [super] Node: ZEPHYR Transport: DECNET Server: 0 Screen: 0 $ RUN/DETACHED/OUTPUT=WSA3: SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CALENDAR $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$BOOKREADER $ SHOW DISPLAY Device: WSA1: [super] Node: 0 Transport: LOCAL Server: 0 Screen: 0 In this example, you are logged in to your node (device WSA1:), and want to direct the output from applications to several workstation displays in the same session. By specifying different logical names in the SET DISPLAY command, you can redirect the output without changing the logical name definition for DECW$DISPLAY. This allows you to display the output from most applications on your default display but occasionally display output on another workstation. You can also continue to run and display applications on your node. In this example, Clock is displayed on node FLOPSY, Calendar is displayed on node ZEPHYR, and Bookreader is displayed on your workstation. Note that to run your applications with the DCL command RUN/DETACHED, you must use the device name that equates to the logical display device name you specified in the SET DISPLAY command. Use the SHOW DISPLAY command to obtain this device name. 3.$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/GENERATE=TRUSTED- _$ /XAUTHORITY=XAUTHORITY_TEMP/NODE=ZEPHYR $ PIPE SHOW DISPLAY/EXTR | RSH FLOPSY "XAUTH NMERGE SYS$INPUT" $ SET HOST FLOPSY $ SET DISPLAY/NODE=ZEPHYR $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK In this example, you are logged into your workstation (WSA1:) and want to run the DECwindows Clock application on a remote node (FLOPSY) and display it on another workstation (ZEPHYR). Both systems are using Magic Cookie authorization to control access to the X display server. Assuming you are already authorized to connect to the server on node ZEPHYR, you create a display device that connects to ZEPHYR and generates a new authorization key. This key grants trusted connections to the server on ZEPHYR within 60 seconds of key generation. To restrict trusted access to the server, the key is stored in a new X authority file, XAUTHORITY_ TEMP.DECW$XAUTH. The authorization key is then extracted and copied to FLOPSY, and merged with other entries in your X authority file on that system. You then set host to node FLOPSY and set display to node ZEPHYR. When you run the clock application from FLOPSY, it connects to the server on ZEPHYR and is allowed access as specified by the generated authorization key. 4.$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/VALUE=- _$ (NAME=DECW$SESSION_MANAGER,SET="tcpip/zephyr:9510") $ SHOW DISPLAY/SYMBOLS/ALL Device: WSA23: [super] Node: 0 Transport: DECNET Server: 0 Screen: 0 User-defined values: "DECW$SESSION_MANAGER" = "tcpip/zephyr:9510" $ SHOW SYMBOL DECW$DISPLAY__DECW$SESSION_MANAGER DECW$DISPLAY__DECW$SESSION_MANAGER == "tcpip/zephyr:9510" $ SET DISPLAY UNTRUSTED/CREATE/XAUTHORITY=TEMP/GENERATE- _$ /VALUE=(NAME=DECW$SESSION_MANAGER,-) _$ SET="'DECW$DISPLAY__DECW$SESSION_MANAGER'" In this example, you create a display device, and set the DECW$SESSION_MANAGER property to the network address of a session manager on remote node ZEPHYR using port number 9510. The SHOW DISPLAY/SYMBOLS command then defines a DCL symbol for the port value. The symbol is then used to set the port value for a new display device. 5.$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/PROXY=GATEWY/NODE=hubbub.company.com- _$ /PMTRANSPORT=DECNET/NOLBXAUTHENTICATE/TRANSPORT=TCPIP $ SHOW DISPLAY Device: WSA23: [super] Node: HUBBUB.COMPANY.COM Transport: TCPIP Server: 0 Screen: 0 Connection will use: LBX proxy on node: gatewy.company.com Transport to proxy: TCPIP Server number: 63 $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK In this example, you are logged into a local workstation (FLOPSY) and want to connect to an external host (hubbub.company.com), which is outside of your company's firewall. You use the proxy manager on a gateway host (GATEWY) to start the LBX proxy server, connect to the external host, and display the DECwindows Clock application. Note that DECnet is used within the local area network (LAN) to communicate to the proxy manager, and TCP/IP is used by the proxy server to communicate to the X display server on the external host. When using a managed proxy server, the proxy server chooses the transport for the client-to-proxy server connection.