Use the following procedure to create a tape robot unit: 1. For SCSI magazine loaders connected directly to an SCSI bus, enter the SYSGEN or SYSMAN command in the appropriate format: VAX system: $ MCR SYSGEN CONNECT GKannn:/DRIVER=GKDRIVER/NOADAPTER Alpha system: $ MCR SYSMAN IO CONNECT GKannn:/DRIVER=SYS$GKDRIVER/NOADAPTER Where: GKannn: is the robot device name. The robot device name for a loader is always the same as the tape drive name incremented by one, and without any prefixes (allocation class or NODE$ prefix) to the GK string. For example, a tape drive name of $1$MKA200: could use a robot device name of GKA201:. 2. Compaq recommends that you include the SYSGEN commands in your system startup command procedure.