This routine wakes one thread waiting on the specified condition variable. It can only be called from a software interrupt handler routine (such as from a Tru64 UNIX signal handler or OpenVMS AST). Calling this routine implies that it might be possible for a single waiting thread to proceed. The scheduling policies of the waiting threads determine which thread is awakened. For policies SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR, a blocked thread is chosen in priority order, using first-in/first- out (FIFO) within priorities. This routine does not cause a thread blocked on a condition variable to resume execution immediately. A thread resumes execution at some time after the interrupt handler routine returns. If no threads are waiting on the condition variable at the time of the call to pthread_cond_signal_int_np(), the next future waiting thread will be automatically released (that is, it will not actually wait). This routine establishes a "pending" wake if necessary. You can call this routine regardless of whether the associated mutex is either locked or unlocked. (Never lock a mutex from an interrupt handler routine.) NOTE This routine allows you to signal a condition variable from a software interrupt handler. Do not call this routine from noninterrupt code. To signal a condition variable from the normal noninterrupt level, use pthread_cond_signal().