1.qm.maint> SPAWN DIRECTORY/SIZE=ALL a.txt Directory D1:[BOB] A.TXT;10 125/126 A.TXT;9 124/126 A.TXT;8 124/126 Total of 3 files, 373/378. qm.maint> SPAWN PURGE/LOG a.txt %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;9 deleted (126 blocks) %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;8 deleted (126 blocks) %PURGE-I-TOTAL, 2 files deleted (252 blocks) qm.maint> In this example, the SPAWN command is used to obtain a directory listing of the files A.TXT, and then to purge back old versions of that file. The ability to do this is useful when you find that you have insufficient disk quota to create and edit a mail message you want to send. 2.qm.maint> SPAWN . . . $ LOGOUT Process BOB_1 logged out at 15-NOV-2012 12:12:51.42 qm.maint> In this example a SPAWN command with no command string is issued. This places you into the subprocess where you can issue DCL commands and perform other processing. When you are done with the subprocess and ready to return to PMDF QM, use the LOGOUT or EOJ command.