In the following example, the DIRECTORY/HELD command is used to list held messages in the tcp_local channel. Then, the RELEASE command is used to release all of the held messages from that channel. qm.maint> DIRECTORY/HELD TCP_LOCAL Fri, 15 Nov 2012 13:43:39 PDT Data gathered from the queue directory tree Channel: tcp_local Size Queued since -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ZZ01HNP17LSUWY9D4DNR.HELD 4 13-NOV-2012 03:12:00 2 ZZ01HNP1RP3B6G9D4DNR.HELD 10 14-NOV-2012 11:46:23 3 ZZ01HNP42MAMAI9D4DNR.HELD 5 14-NOV-2012 18:17:01 -------------------------------------------------------------- Total size: 19 3 total messages queued qm.maint> RELEASE/ALL Release all message files (Y/N, default is N)? YES %QM-I-RELEASED, released the message file PMDF_QUEUE:[TCP_LOCAL]ZZ01HNP17LSUWY9D4DNR.HELD %QM-I-RELEASED, released the message file PMDF_QUEUE:[TCP_LOCAL]ZZ01HNP1RP3B6G9D4DNR.HELD %QM-I-RELEASED, released the message file PMDF_QUEUE:[TCP_LOCAL]ZZ01HNP42MAMAI9D4DNR.HELD qm.maint>