PMDF contains a modest collection of user-level and system-level
utility programs, as well as two mail user agents, PMDF MAIL
and PMDF Pine. User-level utilities include utilities to manage
"personal address books" of e-mail addresses and mailing lists
(DB), to filter incoming messages (DELIVER), to decode and encode
MIME encoded messages (DECODE and ENCODE), to file messages to
a particular folder (FOLDER), to set a user's forwarding address
(FORWARD), to move folders from one system to another (migrate),
to manage passwords such as those used for POP APOP commands or POP
logins (PASSWORD), to turn text to PostScript or wrap PostScript
lines (PS and PSWRAP), and to send messages from the DCL command
line (SEND). PMDF also includes list server facilities. System-level
utilities are used to perform various maintenance, testing, and
management tasks.
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