/[NO]STANDARD Controls whether the compiler generates informational diagnostic messages for HP extensions to the Fortran language standard in effect at compile time. F90 Tells the compiler to compare language features to the Fortran 90 Standard. F95 Tells the compiler to compare language features to the Fortran 95 Standard. Specifying /STANDARD causes informational diagnostic messages to be generated for items such as the following: o Extensions to language syntax o Standard-conforming statements that become nonstandard due to the way in which they are used o Tab formatting, when it appears in fixed-format source files If /STANDARD is specified without an option, messages are issued for extensions to the Fortran 95 Standard. The default is /NOSTANDARD (or /STANDARD=NONE). If you specify the /NOWARNINGS qualifier, the /STANDARD qualifier is ignored. For more information on how the compiler detects source statements that do not conform to Fortran language standards, see the description of /STANDARD in the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.