/CONTROLLER=filespec Specifies the name of the terminal window controller image. This name allows the CREATE/TERMINAL command to create a window on a variant controller, such as for a language not supported by the base product. For a DECterm window, the default is SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$TERMINAL.EXE. The device and directory default to SYS$SYSTEM and the file type defaults to .EXE. NOTE The "name" field of the file name as returned by $PARSE is used to form the mailbox logical name. For example, if the file "name" is DECW$TERMINAL, the mailbox logical name will be DECW$TERMINAL_MAILBOX_node::0.0. For backward compatibility, the controller also defines a logical name DECW$DECTERM_MAILBOX_host::0.0 to point to the same mailbox.