Display user accounts. Syntax SHOW username[,...] Command Qualifiers Defaults /ALL /BRIEF /COUNT_USERS /DOMAINS /FORMAT_FILE=file-spec /FORWARDINGS /GROUP=name /MESSAGES /OUTPUT=file-spec /STORE=store-type
1 – Parameters
username Names of the accounts for which to display information. Wild cards are permitted.
2 – Description
The SHOW command shows settings for one or more user profiles, displays established forwarding addresses, and lists information about messages received by users. The username parameter can contain wild cards when displaying account information; it can not contain wild cards when listing forwardings. Use the SHOW/FORWARDINGS and SHOW/DOMAINS commands to generate listings of, respectively, user e-mail forwardings and user domains. Use the SHOW/COUNT_USERS command to list the number of currently defined accounts as well as any licensing limits.
3 – Command Qualifiers
3.1 /ALL
By default, only popstore accounts are displayed: MessageStore and native accounts are not displayed. Specify /ALL to list all accounts. Note that /ALL and /STORE=ALL are synonyms.
3.2 /BRIEF
Generate a brief profile or message listing. By default, the formatting file POPMGR_PROFILE_BRIEF.TXT is used to format the output for profile displays and POPMGR_MESSSAGE_BRIEF.TXT for message displays. This qualifier has no effect when used in conjunction with the /FORWARDINGS qualifier.
Display the number of currently defined user accounts as well as the number allowed by your PMDF-POPSTORE license. Specify /ALL to see both the popstore and MessageStore counts.
Generate a list of defined user domains. By default, the formatting file POPMGR_DOMAINS.TXT is used to format the output.
/FORMAT_FILE=file-spec Specify a formatting file to use to format the output.
Display information about established forwarding addresses. By default, the formatting file POPMGR_FORWARD.TXT is used to format the output.
3.7 /FULL
/FULL (default) Generate verbose output. By default, the formatting file POPMGR_ PROFILE.TXT is used to format profile information; POPMGR_ MESSAGE.TXT for message listings; POPMGR_DOMAINS.TXT for domain listings; and, POPMGR_FORWARD.TXT for forwarding addresses. Those formatting files are found with the other formatting files in the PMDF_ROOT:[WWW.POPSTORE] directory.
3.8 /GROUP
/GROUP=name Confine the listing to the specified management group and its subgroups.
Display information on the users' messages. By default, the formatting file POPMGR_MESSAGE.TXT is used to format the display.
3.10 /OUTPUT
/OUTPUT=file-spec Write the output to the specified file rather than to the terminal.
3.11 /STORE
/STORE=store-type By default, only popstore accounts are displayed: MessageStore and native accounts are not displayed. Specify /STORE=ALL to list all accounts; use a store-type of MSGSTORE or IMAP to list only MessageStore accounts; use a store-type of POPSTORE or POP to list only popstore accounts; and, use a store-type of NATIVE to list only profiles marked as being native.
4 – Examples
In the following example, full and brief listings are generated for the DEFAULT popstore account: popstore> SHOW DEFAULT Username: default Owner: Default user profile Group: Store Type: popstore Usage flags: Site-defined: Last pwd change: No time recorded Last connect: No time recorded Last disconnect: No time recorded Total connect time: 0 00:00:00 Total connections: 0 Past block days: 0 Last billing: Fri Nov 15 10:23:54 2012 Message count: 0 (0 total messages received) Quota used: 0.00 Kbytes Quota: 1024.00 Kbytes Overdraft: 51.00 Kbytes popstore> SHOW/BRIEF DEFAULT Quota Message Quota used Username (kbytes) Count (kbytes) ---------------------------------------------------------------- default 1024.00 0 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Note: privileged users are flagged with an asterisk