/LISTING[=file-spec] Determines whether a sequence-numbered listing file, showing the original and inserted lines and an audit trail, is produced during the editing process. If you do not include a file specification, the listing file takes the same name as the input file, with a file type of LIS. By default, no listing file is produced.
/OUTPUT[=file-spec] Specifies the output file to be used in the editing session. If you do not include a file specification, the output file has the same name and type as the input file, with a version number one higher than the highest existing version.
/HEADER/OUTPUT=file-spec Determines whether the output file is created as a VFC format sequential file with the line insert number and audit trail information in the record header block (RHB) for the records.
/UPDATE[=(update-file-spec[,...])] Indicates the file or files containing the editing commands and changes to be applied to the input source file. The default file type of these files is UPD.