Designates a set of tests as a collection. Format CREATE COLLECTION collection-name test-group-expression [/qualifier...] "remark"
1 – Command Qualifiers
/BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY=directory-specification /NOBENCHMARK_DIRECTORY Determines whether Digital Test Manager should search the default benchmark directory for benchmark files for the specified collection. If you do not include a directory, Digital Test Manager searches the default benchmark directory for the benchmark file established by the SET BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY command. If you include a directory in the benchmark file specification for a test within the collection, Digital Test Manager searches that directory for the benchmark file and (if found) overrides the default directory. The directory you specify can be either another directory or a CMS library. The /NOBENCHMARK_DIRECTORY qualifier overrides the default benchmark directory for the specified collection. Digital Test Manager searches your default directory for all benchmark files without directory specifications.
1.2 /CLASS
/CLASS=(keyword=class-name,...) Specifies the optional CMS class for benchmark files and template files stored in CMS libraries. The keywords, BENCHMARK and TEMPLATE, designate the name of the specific set of generations of elements. If you do not specify a class and the file is stored in a CMS library, the latest generation on the main line of descent is used. You can specify the same class names for your benchmark and template files. If you specify both keywords, separate them with a comma and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one keyword, omit the parentheses.
/COMPARE[=(keyword,...)] /NOCOMPARE Determines whether Digital Test Manager compares the results of each test with its benchmark file (the file that contains expected test results) after the collection is executed. The default is /COMPARE. The /COMPARE qualifier specifies that Digital Test Manager is to compare all tests after the collection is executed. A collection must be compared before it can be reviewed. Any differences between the results for a test and its benchmark file are recorded in a difference file for that test. Tests without benchmarks can be compared, but will be marked with the comparison status of new test. When you review tests, you can have benchmark files generated for them. When you enter the /COMPARE qualifier, the COMPARE command default qualifiers (/SCREENS, /LOG, and /WIDTH=132) are in effect. You can optionally specify any of the following COMPARE command qualifiers as keywords: CHARACTERS FULL IGNORE=keyword [NO]PARALLEL RECORDS SCREENS WIDTH The /COMPARE qualifier keywords have the same effect as the COMPARE command qualifiers. See the COMPARE command qualifiers for a description of the /COMPARE qualifier keywords. If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. The /NOCOMPARE qualifier prevents the automatic comparison that Digital Test Manager ordinarily performs when the collection is executed. You can use the COMPARE command later to compare test results for collections created with the /NOCOMPARE qualifier.
/EPILOGUE=file-specification /NOEPILOGUE Determines whether the default collection epilogue is run with this collection. The /EPILOGUE qualifier overrides the default collection epilogue file for this collection. The /NOEPILOGUE qualifier runs a collection without a collection epilogue. This qualifier has no effect on individual test epilogues.
1.5 /LOG
/LOG (D) /NOLOG Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and success messages on your screen.
1.6 /MASK
/MASK=(keyword,...) The /MASK qualifier selects one or more sets of mask patterns that will cause certain run-time data to be ignored during the comparison of screens for interactive terminal tests. Such run-time data is ignored by substituting blank space for patterns in both the benchmark and result screens before they are compared. The valid values for keyword are as follows: Keyword Mask ALL Specifies that all the masks in this table be used DATE The date mask ignores comparison of date stamps The following list shows some examples of the date patterns to be ignored; this list is not all inclusive. dd-mmm-yyyy ( example: 17-OCT-1998 ) dd mmm yy ( example: 17 OCT 98 ) yy.mmm.dd ( example: 98.OCT.17 ) mm/dd/yy ( example: 10/17/98 ) yyyy/mm/dd ( example: 1998/10/17 ) month day, year ( example: October 17, 1998 ) month day, year ( example: Oct. 17, 1998 ) day.month.year ( example: 17.October.1998 ) year-month-day ( example: 98-October-17 ) TIME Ignores time stamps with the following forms: hh:mm:ss.xxxx ( example: 15:37:53.22 ) hh:mm:ss ( example: 15:37:53 ) hh:mm ( example: 15:37 ) hh:mm xm ( example: 3:37 PM ) hhHmmm ( example: 15H37m ) hhHmm' ( example: 15H37' ) h ( example: 15.37 h ) hh h mm"ss s ( example: 15 h 37"53 s ) hh h mm min ( example: 15 h 37 min ) kl ( example: kl 15.37 ) h ( example: h 15.37 ) VERSION Ignores file versions on file names FILE_NAMES Ignores file names of the form FILENAME.EXT DIRECTORIES Ignores directory specification fields of the form DISK:[DIRECTORY] If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one keyword, omit the parentheses. Masking of is performed in the order of the keywords shown above.
/PROLOGUE=file-specification /NOPROLOGUE Determines whether the default collection prologue is run with this collection. The /PROLOGUE qualifier overrides the default collection prologue file for this collection. The /NOPROLOGUE qualifier runs a collection without a collection prologue file. This qualifier has no effect on individual test prologues.
/REALTIME /NOREALTIME (D) Specifies that the speed of session file playback for all interactive terminal tests in the collection is to be based solely on the speed at which they were recorded and not on the rate at which the applications being tested request input. This qualifier is useful for testing applications that request input before completing processing and display of data.
/SENTINEL=("begin-delimiter","end-delimiter") Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to be ignored during the comparison of result and benchmark files for a noninteractive test. The delimiters can be up to 256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text between and including the delimiters is treated as if it did not exist. If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation marks, they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of the files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you include spaces, tabs, or commas they must be enclosed in quotation marks.
1.10 /SUBMIT
/SUBMIT[=(keyword,...)] /NOSUBMIT (D) Determines whether the collection is executed immediately after it is created. You can submit collections that contain DECwindows tests but Digital Test Manager must be connected to a DECwindows server for the tests to execute. The /SUBMIT qualifier executes the collection in batch mode immediately after the collection is created. When you enter the /SUBMIT qualifier, the SUBMIT command qualifiers (/KEEP and /LOG) are in effect. You can optionally specify any of the following SUBMIT command qualifiers as keywords: AFTER [NO]CHARACTERISTICS CPUTIME [NO]HOLD [NO]KEEP [NO]LOG_FILE NAME [NO]NOTIFY [NO]PRINTER PRIORITY QUEUE [NO]USER WSDEFAULT WSEXTENT WSQUOTA If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. The /NOSUBMIT qualifier creates the collection without submitting it to the batch queue. To run the collection, use the SUBMIT command.
/TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY=directory-specification /NOTEMPLATE_DIRECTORY Determines whether Digital Test Manager should search the default template directory for template files for the specified collection. If you do not include a directory, Digital Test Manager searches the default template directory for the template file established by the SET TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY command. If you include a directory in the template file specification for a test within the collection, Digital Test Manager searches that directory for the template file. The directory you specify can be either another directory or a CMS library. The /NOTEMPLATE_DIRECTORY qualifier overrides the default template directory for the specified collection. Digital Test Manager searches your default directory for all template files without directory specifications.
/VARIABLE=(variable-name=variable-value,...) Overrides the values of the specified global variables for this collection. If you override the value for more than one variable, separate the variables with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you override only one variable, omit the parentheses.
1.13 /VERIFY
/VERIFY (D) /NOVERIFY Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to verify the existence of files associated with all test descriptions before creating the collection. If a referenced file does not exist, Digital Test Manager does not create the collection. The /NOVERIFY qualifier causes Digital Test Manager to create the collection without verifying the existence of files associated with all test descriptions before creating the collection. If a file associated with a test description is missing when a collection executes, Digital Test Manager may not run that test.
2 – Parameter Qualifiers
2.1 /GROUP
Identifies the immediately preceding item in the test group expression as a group. If a test group expression is a list, use this qualifier after each item in the list that designates a group. The default is /TEST_DESCRIPTION.
Identifies the immediately preceding item in the test group expression as a test expression. This is the default.
3 – Examples
1. DTM> CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL MAIL*/NOPROLOGUE _Remark: Tests of MAIL commands %DTM-S-CREATED, collection MAIL_COLL created DTM> This example creates the collection MAIL_COLL. It uses a qualifier to specify that there is to be no collection prologue file associated with this collection, and uses wildcards to specify which tests go into the collection. 2. DTM> CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_PLUS MAIL*, - _DTM> SEND_NONINT/GROUP _Remark: More MAIL tests %DTM-S-CREATED, collection MAIL_PLUS created DTM> This example creates the collection MAIL_PLUS. The test group expression specifies all tests that begin with MAIL, and all tests in the group SEND_NONINT at the time the collection is created.