The DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command accesses the FTAM directory utility, which allows you to display the file attributes of files on any FTAM system within an OSI network. By default, the DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command dis- plays the file name and remote FTAM application address. To display information on all of the FTAM file attributes, include the /FULL qualifier in the DIRECTORY command.
1 – Format
DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] file-spec [,...] The following table describes the variables in this format state- ment: __________________________________________________________________ Variable Explanation __________________________________________________________________ /qualifier An RMS qualifier of the DIRECTORY command. For a full description of supported qualifiers, see in- dividual qualifier subtopics; for a summary, see the "Qualifier" subtopic. file-spec The file specification for a local or remote file. __________________________________________________________________
2 – Wildcards
Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you should complete the file designation. The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the local default RMS directory.
3 – Qualifiers
Any DIRECTORY command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command.
3.1 /BRIEF
/BRIEF Produces a brief directory display, which is the default format. Unless you specify the /SIZE, /OWNER, and/or /DATE qualifiers, the brief directory display contains only and FTAM application address and file designation for each specified file. Default value: A brief display
/COLUMNS[=n] Controls the number of columns in a brief directory display. In practice, a display contains as many of the specified number of columns as can fit within the display width or the screen width (whichever is narrowest). Default value: A four column display
3.3 /DATE
/DATE[=type] /NODATE Displays either the creation or modification date of the speci- fied file(s) according to the type of date that you specify. The available types of dates and their effects are: CREATED Displays the creation date of a file (default) MODIFIED Displays the last modification date of a file, that is, when it was last written to Default value: No date displayed
3.4 /FULL
/FULL This qualifier generates a complete listing of supported file attributes. The "File_attributes" subtopic of the /APPLICATION_ PROTOCOL=FTAM qualifier defines the attributes that are listed by the full directory display. Default value: A brief directory display
/GRAND_TOTAL Suppresses both individual file listings and individual directory totals when multiple directories are involved. The /GRAND_TOTAL qualifier displays the total numbers of targeted directories and files. Default value: Both attributes of individual files and directory totals displayed
/HEADING /NOHEADING Controls whether a heading line consisting of an FTAM application name is displayed separately from file designations. Each FTAM system specified in a DIRECTORY command generates a separate directory header. Default value: Header displayed
/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file /NOOUTPUT This qualifier controls where the output of the command is sent. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier suppresses output. The /OUTPUT=file quali- fier with a file name and type sends the output to the designated file. The /OUTPUT=file with a directory but without a file name or type sends the output to the designated directory and a file called DIRECTORY.LIS. Using wildcards is prohibited in the /OUTPUT file specification. Default value: Output to the default output stream or device of the current process, whose logical name is SYS$OUTPUT (Without a file specification, the /OUTPUT quali- fier also directs output to SYS$OUTPUT.)
3.8 /OWNER
/OWNER /NOOWNER Controls whether the file owner's UIC is listed. Default value: File owner undisplayed
/PRINTER This qualifier places the directory output into the file DIRECTORY.LIS or the file you specify using the /OUTPUT=file qual- ifier, automatically queues the file for printing, and deletes the file. Default value: No printing
3.10 /SIZE
/SIZE[=type] /NOSIZE Provides the file size in the blocks used and/or allocated for each specified file. The available /SIZE options and their effects are: ALL Displays the file size both in blocks used and blocks allocated ALLOCATION Displays the file size in blocks allocated USED Displays the file size in blocks used (default op- tion) See also the /WIDTH=(SIZE=n) qualifier. Default value: File sizes undisplayed
3.11 /TOTAL
/TOTAL Suppresses individual file listings and displays only the summary information that is described under the /TRAILING qualifier. Default value: Information about individual file(s) precedes totals.
/TRAILING /NOTRAILING Controls whether summary information (totals) appears in a trail- ing line at the end of a directory display. Totals include some or all of the following: o Number of files listed per directory o The number of directories (if the command specifies multiple directories) o Total number of blocks from each directory (if the command contains the /SIZE or the /FULL qualifier) Default value: Totals displayed
3.13 /WIDTH
/WIDTH[=(options[s])] Allows you to control the display width allotted to four elements: the entire display, file name, owner information, and file size. If you specify only one display-element option (option), you can omit the parentheses. The display-element options are as follows: DISPLAY[=n] Controls the total width for a directory display. You can make the width from 1 through 255 charac- ters. However, if the total width of the display exceeds the terminal width, the directory facility truncates the display on the right side. FILENAME[=n] Controls the width of the file-name field for a brief directory display. OWNER[=n] Controls the width of the owner field for a brief directory display. If the owner information exceeds the length of the owner field, the directory facil- ity truncates the owner information on the right side. SIZE[=n] Controls the width of the size field for a brief directory display. Default o Display: Terminal width value: o File name: 19 characters o Owner: 20 characters o Size: 6 characters
4 – Examples
1. $ DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTO=FTAM AMIGUITA::"\DIR\FILE\EXT", - _$ HAVA::TEST.DAT <RET> First, this command displays the FTAM application address, AMIGUITA, and the file name \DIR\FILE\EXT. Next, this com- mand displays the FTAM application address, HAVA, and the file name TEST.DAT. The output would resemble the following: Directory AMIGUITA:: \DIR\FILE\EXT Total of 1 file Directory HAVA:: TEST.DAT Total of 1 file 2. $ DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM /FULL HAVA::TEST.DAT <RET> This command produces a full directory display for the remote file HAVA::TEST.DAT. The full directory display for such a remote file would resemble the following: Directory HAVA:: TEST.DAT File ID: None Size: 11/12 Owner: <Unknown> Created: <None specified> Revised: 30-JAN-1988 9:41 Expires: <None specified> Backup: <No backup done> File organization: Sequential File attributes: Allocation: 12, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0 No version limit Record format: Undefined Record attributes: None Journaling enabled: None File protection: System: , Owner: , Group: , World: Access Cntrl List: None Total of 1 file, 11/12 blocks.