Copies the selected records to a new file in binary format. Format /BINARY
1 – Description
The /BINARY qualifier specifies that records are output in binary format to the file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. (/OUTPUT is Alpha-only, however.) Use the Accounting utility to process this file later. See also the /BRIEF, /FULL, and /SUMMARY qualifiers, which process the selected records to produce a report. You cannot use the /BINARY qualifier with the /BRIEF, /FULL, or /SUMMARY qualifiers.
2 – Examples
1.$ ACCOUNTING /USER=SMITH /BINARY /OUTPUT=MYDISK:[ACCOUNTING]MYACC.DAT This example creates the file MYDISK:[ACCOUNTING]MYACC.DAT. It processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT, copying all records for the user SMITH to the new file in binary format. 2.$ ACCOUNTING /TYPE=PRINT - _$ /BINARY /OUTPUT=PRINT_INFO.DAT /REJECTED=NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT This example creates two files in the default directory, PRINT_INFO.DAT and NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT. It processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT, copying print records to PRINT_INFO.DAT and other records to NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT. These records are in binary format.