1 BIND Format: BIND service-name/qualifier The BIND command creates a device associated with a virtual service and creates a logical name pointing to the device. The BIND command also displays the logical name that it created. 2 service-name The name associated with the virtual service. 2 /ASYNCHRONOUS Format: /[NO]ANSYNCHRONOUS This qualifier specifies wheter or not write requests will complete immediately. If /ASYNCHROUNOUS is specified, the write request is completed to the user immediately. If /NOASYNCHRONOUS is specified, the user request is not completed until all I/O to the physical disk over the network is completed. The default value is /NOASYNCHRONOUS. 2 /CONNECT If /CONNECT is specified, LADCP will immediately attempt a network connection to the service and return the status of the attempt. 2 /DISK This qualifier indicates that the service to bind to is a virtual disk container. This is the default for the BIND command 2 /GROUP Format: /GROUP The /GROUP qualifier places the logical name created by the BIND command in the group logical name table. This qualifier requires GRPNAM privilege. 2 /PASSWORD Format: /PASSWORD="password-string" This qualifier specifies a password associated with the virtual disk. 2 /PERMANENT Format: /[NO]PERMANENT The /PERMANENT qualifier will create a client device UCB that can only be deleted with the UNBIND command of the LADCP utility. The default is /NOPERMANENT which will cause a client device UCB to be deleted when the device Reference Count goes to 0 following a DISMOUNT/UNLOAD command. This qualifier must be used when performing backups to InfoServer Client devices that contain removable media and will span more than one piece of media. 2 /SYSTEM Format: /SYSTEM The /SYSTEM qualifier places the logical name created by the BIND command in the system logical name table. This qualifier requires SYSNAM privilege. 2 /TAPE The /TAPE qualifier indicates that the service to bind to is a virtual tape service. 3 /ALLOCATE Format: /[NO]ALLOCATE This qualifier controls the LastPort Tape session behaviour. The default of /ALLOCATE will leave a session to an InfoServer tape service active until the MAD device is unbound with the UNBIND verb of LADCP or the LADCP DEALLOCATE command is issued. The use of /NOALLOCATE will cause the session to be disconnected when a IO$_UNLOAD or IO$_AVAILABLE is issued to the client device. The use of /ALLOCATE is required to perform multi-volume backups. 2 /UNIT Format: /UNIT=n This qualifier will attempt to create a client device with the unit number specified. For disk client devices the format of the client device is _DADn: and for tape client devices the format is _MADn:. If the unit specified already exists an error is returned. The default behaviour is to assign a unit number starting at 1 and increasing by 1 each time a unit is created. Valid unit numbers are positive integers in the range of 1 thru 32767. examples: LADCP> bind/unit=354 fred %LADCP-I-BIND, service bound to logical unit DAD$FRED (_DAD354:) LADCP> bind/unit=4 harry %LADCP-E-UNITEXISTS, device _DAD4: exists 2 /WRITE_ENABLE Format: /[NO]WRITE_ENABLE This qualifier specifies if the service is to be write enabled or not. For disk clients the default value of /NOWRITE_ENABLED means that the service is read-only. For tape clients the default value of /WRITE_ENABLED means that the service is both read and write. The qualifier is negatable. 2 example $ LADCP BIND CD_DOC_00661 This command creates a read-only logical disk pointed to by the logical name DAD$CD_DOC_00661. $ LADCP BIND VIRTUAL_DISK/WRITE/NOASYNC This command will create a device for the service name of VIRTUAL_DISK. It will create a logical name DAD$VIRTUAL_DISK that will point to this device. It also instruct that any write request performed will written before the write request completes. $ LADCP BIND/TAPE/CONNECT TAPE_DRIVE This command creates a read/write logical tape pointed to by the logical name MAD$TAPE_DRIVE. The LADCP utility will attempt to form a connection to the service immediately.