Library /sys$common/syshlp/ELV$HELP.HLB  —  DUMP  Qualifiers  /ENTRY

    Specifies the range of entries to be selected. Do not use /ENTRY
    with /INVALID.

    You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

    Keyword            Description

    START[:decimal-    Indicates the start of a range of entries to
    value]             be selected.
    END[:decimal-      Indicates the end of a range of entries to be
    value]             selected.

    Usage Notes:

    o  You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify
       both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.

    o  If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range
       defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.

    o  If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the
       keyword is ignored.
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