Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  Error Messages, DUPLTAIL
 unable to generate unique numeric tail for filename

    Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program

    Explanation: There are too many files of similar long file names
    on the FAT volume, and the associated unique 8.3 filename cannot
    be generated as required.

    User Action: Use additional and unique long file names, or use
    additional FAT volumes. The short name is generated from the
    first one to up to six characters of the long filename, and it is
    the numbers of duplicate strings within this portion of all long
    filenames presently in use that is triggering this error. Use of
    filenames that are not unique within the first one to up to six
    characters will inherently reduce the performance of various FAT
    volume operations, as well.
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