Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  Error Messages, BADBPB
 invalid or corrupt target BIOS Parameter Block detected

    Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program

    Explanation: A series of verification operations is performed to
    detect faulty or corrupted BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) structure.
    (The BPB is a critical system data structure for the FAT volume
    structure.) This message indicates that one or more of the
    verifications has failed, and that the target FAT partition is
    apparently corrupted, or that the target partition structure is
    not a valid FAT partition.

    User Action: Verify that the target volume or target partition
    is consistent and uncorrupted, and particularly that the FAT
    partition is correct using the SHOW BPB command or another volume
    structure verification utility. If the volume partition is valid,
    please contact the customer support center. Consider restoration
    from archives or a data recovery service, and reinitialization of
    the FAT volume or FAT partition.
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