Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  MBR
    Displays the contents of the default or of the specified sector
    as a Master Boot Record (MBR) structure.


       The FAT partition typically mounted with this utility
       does not include a Master Boot Record (MBR) structure. An
       entire OpenVMS I64 system disk will include a Legacy or a
       Protective MBR, however. To display the contents of the
       disk-level bootblock structures, please see the SYS$SETBOOT
       foreign-command interface.


      SHOW MBR  volume

1  –  Parameter


    The target FAT volume for the command.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /BLOCK


    The sector to be formatted as a Master Boot Record (MBR). If
    not specified, the default will be the calculated sector for the
    current disk.

3  –  Description

    The SHOW MBR command is a diagnostic, and used to review the
    contents of the disk Master Boot Record for the specified target
    partition or device.


       Not immediately useful to users. This command is solely
       intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool.

    EFI$CP> show mbr foo:
    Master Boot Record (MBR) not present or not valid; disk is not partitioned
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