Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  GPT
    Formats and displays the contents of the specified sector as a
    GUID Partition Table (GPT) sector.

    This GPT is assumed located within the target FAT volume
    structure as mounted by this utility, and accordingly may or
    may not be the same as the GPT structure found at the front of
    the physical volume.


      SHOW GPT  volume

1  –  Parameter


    The target FAT volume for the command.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /LOGICAL_IO

    Specifies that the target GPT is to be accessed using Logical I/O

    If neither /LOGICAL_IO nor /VIRTUAL_IO is specified, GPT access
    using Virtual I/O will be attempted first and followed by an
    attempt to use Logical I/O if [000000]GPT.SYS is not found.

    If the file [000000]GPT.SYS is correctly placed on the disk, the
    output of /LOGICAL_IO and /VIRTUAL_IO will be the same.

2.2    /VIRTUAL_IO

    Specifies that the target GPT is to be accessed using Virtual I/O

    If neither /LOGICAL_IO nor /VIRTUAL_IO is specified, GPT access
    using Virtual I/O will be attempted first and followed by an
    attempt to use Logical I/O if [000000]GPT.SYS is not found.

    If the file [000000]GPT.SYS is correctly placed on the disk, the
    output of /LOGICAL_IO and /VIRTUAL_IO will be the same.

3  –  Description

    The SHOW GPT command is a diagnostic, and used to review the
    contents of the disk GUID Partition Table for the specified
    target partition or device.


       This command is not immediately useful to users. This
       command is solely intended as a low-level disk diagnostic
       and debugging tool.

    EFI$CP> show gpt foo:
    Master Boot Record (MBR) not present or not valid; disk is not partitioned
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