Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  MOUNT  Qualifiers

1    /CACHE

       /NOCACHE (default)

    This qualifier causes EFI$CP to cache critical volume data data
    in memory, rather than writing the data and the changes out to
    the partition or the disk volume after each EFI$CP command.

    Selecting /CACHE provides better performance (and particularly
    with slow devices, such as floppy disk volumes), though there is
    an increased risk of exposure to inconsistent or incomplete data
    should an application or a system problem arise before the caches
    are flushed; should the application exit unexpectedly prior to a
    DISMOUNT operation.

    If you choose MOUNT/CACHE, you will want to specify the DISMOUNT
    command to dismount the device or the partition; to effect the
    necessary cache flush. Failure to cleanly flush the volume cache
    can result in volume corruptions and/or data loss.


       /NODEVICE_ALIAS (default)

    This qualifier selects the device name alias to be used for
    references to a directly-accessed partition file; for direct
    access to a partition file. The specified string will be the
    device name for subsequent accesses.

    The permissible character set for this string is that of devices;
    the same symbol character set used for logical names. Like a
    logical name, there is no requirement to mimic the OpenVMS device
    name fields.

    The specified alias must include a trailing colon.


       /NODIAGNOSTICS (default)

    This qualifier is subject to change without notice, reserved for
    use during HP regression testing, and should be specified only
    under the direction of the HP Customer Support Center.

    This command causes additional messages to be displayed.

4    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Displays status-related and informational messages resulting from
    the MOUNT request.

    When not specified, some operations will still be logged - such
    as problems found by the /CHECK qualifier. By specifying /NOLOG -
    absolutly no logging will be done.



    When used with the keyword IDENTIFICATION, this overrides the
    requirement to specify a volume label.

    If the label-name parameter is to be overridden (using
    /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION), then the label-name parameter must
    be specified (as a null string) if the log-name parameter is also
    to be specified. With /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION, the null string
    specified within the label-name parameter is ignored.

    When used with the keyword GEOMETRY, this operation overrides
    the FAT12 disk volume geometry requirement check. So long as
    the FAT12 volume matches the FAT12 volume size requirements, the
    volume can be mounted.

    The geometry reported by the target device will not be altered.

    When used with the keyword CORRUPTIONS, this operation
    overrides various FAT volume structure checks inherent in volume
    processing, and to thus permit continued operations with certain
    questionable or potentially corrupt FAT volume structures.
    Thus mechanism can bypass isolated, specific and very limited
    corruptions found within the FAT volume structure. This does
    not provide a generic mechanism for repairing or recovering from
    arbitrary FAT volume structure corruptions.

    Use of the /OVERRIDE=CORRUPTIONS mechanism is not recommended.
    This mechanism should be used only under explicit directions of
    the HP Customer Support Center.


       /NOREGRESSION_TESTING (default)

    This qualifier is subject to change without notice, reserved for
    use during HP regression testing, and should be specified only
    under the direction of the HP Customer Support Center.

    This qualifier alters command output and particularly alters
    the date and time values displayed, explicitly and only for use
    during EFI$CP regression-testing operations.


       /NOSYSTEM_ALIAS (default)

    This qualifier selects the device name alias to be used for
    references to a directly-accessed partition file, and sets
    the partition name to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$EFI.SYS or

    When this qualifier is specified, the device name parameter is

    This qualifier is otherwise similar to /DEVICE_ALIAS.

8    /WRITE

       /WRITE (default)

    The target volume is mounted read- and write-accessable by
    default. Specification of /NOWRITE permits the target to be
    marked as read-only storage, thus preventing any unintentional
    modifications to the volume.

    When mounting a partition file located on DVD media,
    specification of /NOWRITE is required.

9    /CHECK

    Forces the FAT file structure to be validated. It is implicitly
    done if the version of EFI$CP used to create the volume is out-
    of-date. Unless the /NOCHECK qualifier is used - which will
    prevent all checking. Older versions of EFI$CP got the file
    lengths wrong. It also screwed up the RENAME operation on files
    (leaving a stale file with 0 length). The /CHECK option does
    essentially what EFICHK will do from the EFI shell.

    Use /NOCHECK or /WRITELOCK if you are concerned about changing
    the contents.

10    /REPAIR

       /REPAIR (default)

    When the volume is CHECKED (see above) the /REPAIR option will
    fix prolems that can be solved.

    Older versions of EFI$CP got the file lengths wrong. It also
    screwed up RENAME. The /CHECK option does essentially what EFICHK
    -F will do from the EFI shell.

    Use /NOCHECK or /WRITELOCK if you are concerned about changing
    the contents.

 EFI$CP> mount/log dva0:/override=identification
 %EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record
 %EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected
 %EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME  has been mounted
 -EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned

 EFI$CP> mount/log lda251: "NO NAME"
 %EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record
 %EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected
 %EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME  has been mounted
 -EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned

 EFI$CP> mount/log/override=id sys$loadable_images:sys$efi.sys -

11    /device_alias=foo:

 %EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record
 %EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected
 %EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume SYS$EFI  has been mounted
 -EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned
 EFI$CP> directory foo:\

 This shows the results of mounting the EFI partition from an OpenVMS V8.2 system.  Note that despite the
 dire warnings, the contents of the files turns out to be OK.  The older version of EFI$CP got the file
 size wrong, but copied the contents OK.

 EFI$CP> mou/repair/over=id/dev=efi: sys$loafable_images:sys$efi.sys
 %MOUNT-I-NODISM, volume was not cleanly dismounted.  Check in progress.
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\biosutil.efi actual cluster count of 104 does not match the file allocation of 105.
                           Filesize of 213504 bytes, requires 420 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           420 blocks shown allocated, but 104 actual clusters (416 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (212992 bytes) is smaller than the file size (213504 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\efichk.efi actual cluster count of 463 does not match the file allocation of 464.
                           Filesize of 949248 bytes, requires 1856 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           1856 blocks shown allocated, but 463 actual clusters (1852 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (948224 bytes) is smaller than the file size (949248 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\ftpd.efi actual cluster count of 470 does not match the file allocation of 471.
                           Filesize of 963072 bytes, requires 1884 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           1884 blocks shown allocated, but 470 actual clusters (1880 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (962560 bytes) is smaller than the file size (963072 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\tcpipv4.efi actual cluster count of 650 does not match the file allocation of 651.
                           Filesize of 1331712 bytes, requires 2604 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           2604 blocks shown allocated, but 650 actual clusters (2600 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (1331200 bytes) is smaller than the file size (1331712 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_bcfg.efi actual cluster count of 123 does not match the file allocation of 138.
                           Filesize of 282624 bytes, requires 552 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           552 blocks shown allocated, but 123 actual clusters (492 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (251904 bytes) is smaller than the file size (282624 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_set.efi actual cluster count of 111 does not match the file allocation of 121.
                           Filesize of 247296 bytes, requires 484 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           484 blocks shown allocated, but 111 actual clusters (444 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (227328 bytes) is smaller than the file size (247296 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_show.efi actual cluster count of 110 does not match the file allocation of 121.
                           Filesize of 247296 bytes, requires 484 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)
                           484 blocks shown allocated, but 110 actual clusters (440 blocks) counted in file
                           The disk storage (225280 bytes) is smaller than the file size (247296 bytes)
                           Truncating file!  ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***
 %EFICP-I-FATCHECK, 7 errors found, 7 fixed.  14 files in 3 folders checked, 11510462 total bytes in 5623 clusters
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