Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  @
    Opens the specified file, reading and invoking zero or more
    EFI$CP commands contained within the file.


      @  filename

1  –  Parameter


    The name of the RMS file that contains the EFI$CP commands
    to be invoked. Fields not specified within the RMS filename
    are defaulted, with the default filename specification being

    The comment character for use within the file is the exclamation
    <!> character. All characters located after any exclamation
    embedded within a record are silently ignored. Any blank lines
    found present within the file are also silently ignored.

2  –  Description

    The <@> command is used to invoke sequences of EFI$CP commands.

    Procedures can be nested up to four levels deep.

    Note that specifying the @ command on the EFI$CP command line
    will not accomplish the same thing as from the EFI$CP prompt.
    When an @ is used from the DCL command, DCL processes the @ and
    only the first line of the data file will be passed as input to
    EFI$CP and the rest will be treated as DCL commands.

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