                |17|18|19|20|21|  |23|24|25|26|  |28|  29 |  |31|32|33|34|

 The diagram above and right shows the numbers   +--+--+--+
 of the function keys.  When used with the       | 1| 2| 3|
 DEFINE KEY command these numbers must be        +--+--+--+
 preceeded by the word FUNCTION.                 | 4| 5| 6|
 The diagram to the right shows how the arrow       +--+
 keys are numbered on terminals which have          |12|
 function keys.  These keys do not use the word  +--+--+--+
 FUNCTION when defined using the DEFINE KEY      |15|13|14|
 command.                                        +--+--+--+
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