1 SET This command allows you to establish defaults or to select any of the FDL editor characteristics you forgot to specify on the command line. For further information about these options, enter "@HELPLIB EDIT/FDL" at the "Topic?" prompt. Format SET 2 Example Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : SET The SET options include: FDL Editor SET Function ANALYSIS filespec of FDL Analysis file DISPLAY type of graph to display EMPHASIS of default bucketsize calculations GRANULARITY number of areas in Indexed files NUMBER_KEYS number of keys in Indexed files OUTPUT filespec of FDL output file PROMPTING Full or Brief prompting of menus RESPONSES usage of default responses in scripts Editor characteristic to set (Keyword)[-] : This command allows you to establish defaults and to reduce the number of questions you are asked by the scripts. After you enter the SET command, the Edit/FDL utility displays a menu of Edit/FDL utility characteristics.