1 ADD This command allows you to add one or more lines to the FDL file. If the line already exists, you can optionally replace it with the new line. After you insert a line, you can optionally continue to add lines under that particular primary section. If no primary section exists to hold the secondary attribute being added, one is automatically created. Format ADD 2 Example Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : ADD This command allows you to add lines to your existing FDL file. When you enter the ADD command, the Edit/FDL utility prompts you with the following menu. Legal Primary Attributes ACCESS attributes set the run-time access mode of the file AREA x attributes define the characteristics of file area x CONNECT attributes set various RMS run-time options DATE attributes set the date parameters of the file FILE attributes affect the entire RMS data file JOURNAL attributes set the journaling parameters of the file KEY y attributes define the characteristics of key y RECORD attributes set the non-key aspects of each record SHARING attributes set the run-time sharing mode of the file SYSTEM attributes document operating system-specific items TITLE is the header line for the FDL file Enter desired primary (Keyword)[FILE] : After you enter the name of the primary attribute, the Edit /FDL utility provides another menu showing all the secondary attributes for the primary attribute and asks which secondary attribute value you want to change.