Library /sys$common/syshlp/EDFHLP.HLB  —  Operation
    You interact with the Edit/FDL utility by answering questions
    that control the execution of the editor and determine the values
    of variables. These variables may be used in calculating various
    file parameters or indirectly setting FDL attribute values. You
    terminate your answers by pressing the Return key. Additionally,
    there are a number of special characters which are significant to
    the Edit/FDL utility.

1  –  Files

    The Edit/FDL utility produces a new version of the input FDL file
    as its output file unless you explicitly specify a different
    output file using the /OUTPUT=file-spec qualifier with the
    EDIT/FDL command. Unlike the input FDL file, which may or may
    not be found, any Analysis file which is specified (with the
    /ANALYSIS=file-spec qualifier) must be found or the Edit/FDL
    utility terminates.

2  –  Prompt-level

    The prompt-level of the Edit/FDL utility depends upon whether an
    OpenVMS-supported video terminal is being used or not. If your
    terminal is, in fact, a terminal which is supported by OpenVMS
    systems, verify that the terminal driver supports it using the

    On foreign, slow baud rate, or hardcopy terminals, the default
    mode of the Edit/FDL utility is BRIEF. On terminals running at a
    speed of 2400 baud or greater which are classified as "Video" by
    the SHOW TERMINAL DCL command, the default mode is FULL.

    Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for complete information

    The special character "?" can be used to retrieve more
    information (or possibly display a Menu) about any particular

    The prompt-level of an editing session can be set with the
    /PROMPT qualifier on the DCL EDIT/FDL command.

3  –  Question-format

    Every question that the Edit/FDL utility asks has the same
    structure. (The exception to this rule is the Help-topic prompt
    you see while in the Help Function. The structure is:

      Question-text         (answer-range)[default-answer]    : your-answer

    Some questions require you to choose among several keyword
    options. These options are listed either in the accompanying
    menu (if present) or in an option list, which is enclosed by
    parentheses, such as below:

      (Option1 Option2 Option3 ...)
      Question-text         (Keyword)[default-answer]         : your-answer

    The (:)  may be placed on the next line to allow for long-string
    answers. A "2Giga" in an (answer-range) stands for the maximum
    allowable signed 32-bit integer. An "Abs" in an (answer-range)
    means Absolute value. A [default-answer] of [-] means that there
    is no default.

4  –  Control Characters

    Ctrl/Z may be used to exit the Edit/FDL utility if you are
    currently at the main level. At lower levels, Ctrl/Z returns
    you to the main level.

    You can use Ctrl/C to exit from the Edit/FDL utility at any
    time. Avoid using Ctrl/Y to abort the Edit/FDL utility because
    that may leave the scrolling region of a DEC_CRT terminal in an
    undetermined state. If this happens, use the DCL EXIT command
    to restore the terminal to its original state. This action is
    unnecessary if the next DCL command issued invokes a new image.

    To get more information about any particular question, type "?"
    and press the Return key. When an invalid response is made to one
    of the FDL Editor's questions, the action taken is equivalent to
    the ? command.
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