1 CONNECT Invokes a connection test. 2 GENERAL QUALIFIERS /NODENAME /NODENAME=node-id Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. The default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivileged account on the remote node because access control information cannot be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account other than the default, you must create a new account and associate it with the DTR object. /PRINT /PRINT /NOPRINT (D) Instructs DTS to print (or log) test results. The default is /NOPRINT. /SPEED /SPEED=number Indicates the line speed (in Mbps) of the test line. DTS uses this qualifier for reporting statistics (DTS does not control line speeds). The default number is 100(100 Mbps). The allowable values are 10 , 100 , 1000 and 10000 for 10 Mbps , 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps respectively. 2 COMMAND-SPECIFIC QUALIFIERS /TYPE /TYPE=test-type Indicates the subtest for the connection test. There are two subtests: ACCEPT Indicates a connect accept test. The default test type. REJECT Indicates a connect reject test. /RETURN /RETURN=return-option /NORETURN (D) Indicates the type of optional user data DTR returns. There are two possibilities: STANDARD Indicates standard user data. RECEIVED Indicates received user data. The default is /NORETURN that disables return of user data. 2 Example _Test: CONNECT/TYPE=ACCEPT/RETURN=RECEIVED This command invokes the connection test with the connect accept subtest. DTS attempts to connect to DTR on the local node (by default). Connect user data is to be returned as part of the test.