Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTSDTR.HLB  —  DATA
    Invokes a data test.


1.1    /NODENAME


    Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. The
    default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivileged
    account on the remote node because access control information cannot
    be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account other
    than the default, you must create a new account and associate it
    with the DTR object.

1.2    /PRINT

       /NOPRINT (D)

    Instructs DTS to print or log test results. The default is /NOPRINT.


       /STATISTICS (D)

    Instructs DTS to print statistics on data and interrupt tests. The
    default is /STATISTICS.

1.4    /DISPLAY

       /NODISPLAY (D)

    Instructs DTS to print the specified number of bytes (in hexadecimal)
    of data and interrupt messages transmitted to DTR.  The default is

1.5    /SPEED


    Indicates the line speed (in Mbps) of the test line. DTS uses
    this qualifier for reporting statistics (DTS does not control line
    speeds). The default number is 100(100 Mbps).

    The allowable values are 10 , 100 , 1000 and 10000 for 10 Mbps , 100 Mbps,
    1 Gbps and 10 Gbps respectively.


2.1    /TYPE


    Indicates the subtest for the data test.  There are four subtests:

    SINK   Indicates a sink test. The default test type.
    SEQ    Indicates a sequence test.
    PAT    Indicates a pattern test.
    ECHO   Indicates an echo test.

2.2    /SIZE


    Indicates the data message length in bytes. The lower bounds are 0 for
    a sink or echo test; 4 for a sequence test; and 5 for a pattern test.
    The upper bound is 4096 bytes for all tests. The default size is 128.



    Indicates the duration of the test. There are three units of time
    for this parameter:


    The number specifies the duration of the test. The default unit is
    /SECONDS=30. The maximum test duration is 3,600,000 seconds or 1000 hours.

3  –  Example

    %NET-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion

    Test Parameters:
       Test duration (sec)  10
       Target node          "APPLE"
       Line speed (Mbps)    100
       Message size (bytes) 128

    Summary statistics:
       Total messages XMIT  211103  RECV 0
       Total bytes XMIT     27 MB
       Messages per second  21110.30
       Bytes per second     2 MBps
       Line thruput         21 Mbps
       %Line Utilization    21.617

    This command invokes the data test with the sequence subtest. DTS
    sends messages to DTR on the local node where test information is to be
    printed. The message size is 128 bytes, and the duration of the test
    is 10 seconds.
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