Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTMSCREDIT.HLB  —  ScrEdit  Overview frame
  The Screen Editor is a component of the DTM software
  development tool that automates the process of
  regression testing.  More specifically, the Screen
  Editor provides support for testing of X windows

  The Screen Editor allows you to:

   o  Review screen captures (benchmark and result files)

   o  Specify areas of screens to be excluded when
      benchmark and result images are compared (masks)

   o  Create and/or update mask files

   o  Compare screen captures (benchmark and result

  For more information about using the Screen Editor,
  managing windows, or using the mouse, double click on
  an item from the list of additional topics below.

  For information about using help, choose On Window from
  the Using Help menu above.
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