Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  overview  views  exp_vu
  To expand an object in a view, double click on a
  display line that is preceded by an icon). Note
  that this causes the line to expand or collapse both
  children and attributes, depending on its current
  state. Children and attributes represent levels of
  detail about an object.

  Alternatively, you can expand an object in a view
  by clicking on the object, then choosing the Expand
  menu item to display the children or attributes of the

  For example, after using a test view to display the
  tests in the current library, you can expand a specific
  test to display its attributes. Attributes of a test
  include the following: a template file, a benchmark
  file, a prologue file, an epilogue file, variables,
  groups, type of test, filters, and comparison type.
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