The global_replace procedure can be used for many filtering tasks. However any DECTPU commands can be used to build filters. The file being filtered is read into the buffer "filter_buffer" before the user filters are applied and written out afterwards. The following filter uses the DECTPU EDIT procedure to convert all characters to upper case: EDIT( filter_buffer, UPPER, OFF) Note that while a similar effect is possible using the COMPARE/IGNORE=CASE command, the filter can be applied to individual tests, whereas the IGNORE qualifier applies only to collections. The following filter searches for numbers and replaces them only if they are in a specified range: POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (filter_buffer)); LOOP found_range := SEARCH_QUIETLY (number, FORWARD); EXITIF found_range = 0; POSITION (END_OF(found_range)); MOVE_HORIZONTAL(1); value := INT(STR(found_range)); IF (value>350) AND (value<570) THEN COPY_TEXT ("XXX"); ERASE (found_range); ENDIF; ENDLOOP; The initial POSITION is required to ensure that the whole of the filter_buffer is processed, because the editing point is undefined at the start of each filter. Then, as each number is processed, the editing point is moved to the end of the number. The MOVE_HORIZONTAL procedure call is necessary because the previous POSITION leaves the editing point at the last character of the number, which would result in an immediate match on the next call to SEARCH_QUIETLY.