Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu
  Choose the Testing menu to access operations that
  relate directly to DTM's testing functions; recording
  tests, executing tests as part of collections, and
  reviewing test results.

  After you choose an operation from the menu or one of
  its submenus, use the resulting dialog boxes to view
  and specify options.

  Operations in the Testing menu apply to the selection
  in the active view window.

  When you begin an operation, DTM fills in the name of
  the selection from the active view in the text field of
  the dialog box. DTM also dims (disables) the selection
  in the active view.

  If you do not make a selection in the active view when
  you begin an operation, you must enter the selection in
  the text field of the dialog box.
Additional Information: explode extract

t_rvm t_dm t_sbm t_rm t_cm t_sm t_rcm t_plm t_xtm t_res t_memi t_ftm
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